Chapter 10

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“Excuse me, Sensei?” I heard a voice calling. Some kid from my class, whom I had forgotten his name, was suddenly standing very close to me. “Can I talk to you please, as two good-looking guys?” he asked.

“Huh?” I reacted at the ugly and chubby boy’s commentary.

I then followed him up to the rooftop and he started whining on and on about his life. I tried to keep my focus but couldn’t.

“Actually… The reason I asked you up here is because there’s this girl I like…”

I tried to seem interested and asked, “Hmm…. Who?”

He blushed and shyly answered, “Kanae Aki.”

My eyes widened and he suddenly grasped my attention.

“What do you think? Do you think I can get her?”

What should I tell him? I would tell him to go for it, but he would ask me for advice and that’s such a bother. Plus, Aki already likes me, she wouldn’t just say yes to him would she? Maybe since she is so nice she wouldn't be able to say no…

“Actually…” I started, making up an excuse, “I hear Aki is already seeing someone.” I said insecurely, glancing at him to see if he believed me and he seemed to believe it.

“I knew it…” He looked disappointed, “A girl like that… there’s no way she would be single.”

‘A girl like that’? I repeated in my mind. What does he mean? In contrary, I cannot imagine her dating anyone. What do the guys of that age think about her?

When I had returned from my thoughts, the boy had already left the rooftop and I went back as well. As I was going down the stairs in the hallway, I encountered Aki who was going up. She suddenly stopped.

“Sensei.” She called me, sounding nervous. I turned back, looking up at her. “A-about the dance last Friday—"

“Ah, yeah.” I interrupted her, not wanting to talk about it. I still hadn’t figured out what it meant and I decided to forget about it. “Thanks.” I said and winked at her while smiling.

Aki became flustered and tried to speak, but I turned back around and proceeded walking down the stairs.

That day was as boring as any other and I tried to go through it not only by ignoring all girls and teachers trying to flirt with me but also by avoiding Aki. I didn't want to hear about the dance and I knew she would keep on trying to talk to me about it. Why on Earth did I ever decide to dance with my student?


Later on that day, I was walking down the halls, wondering about the dance's meaning. I was killing myself with this. I could not keep it out of my head. I can't lie to myself. I know it had a meaning, but I can't figure out what.

“Aki-chan!”  I heard the familiar voice of the boy once again. I automatically hid behind the wall of the corridor upon hearing Aki's name and I peaked from behind it. “Aki-chan…” the boy repeated, looking nervous and blushing furiously.

Is he really going to confess to her even after what I told him? Aki seemed confused and kept staring at him, looking clueless.

“I…” he struggled. “I…” he repeated. This is probably the slowest confession I have ever witnessed. “I like you! Please go out with me!” he was finally able to say.

Aki looked surprised and the two of them stood silently.

“I…” Aki struggled.

I clenched my fists in suspense and waited for an answer. Once again there was silence.

“I’m sorry.” She finally said and, to my surprise, I sighed in relief. I covered my mouth and, irritated with myself, I walked off, promising myself to keep a distance from Aki for her own protection.

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