Chapter 17: Class Trip (3rd Day: Part 3)

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"We know that you're all tired from all the activities. It's been a long day, but we can't let you rest just yet." Mizuno Sensei announced. "The next, and last, activity is a relay race. This activity will also decide the winners for the trip prize." Everyone looked hyped up. Am I the only one who's not up for this?

So far, our group is tied with Takenaka's for first place. We've got to win this if we want first place, which Eiko seems to want more than anything else. 

We then gathered as a team. Each teacher was handed a box with folded pieces of paper. Each had an activity written down. Every person from the group drew a paper, deciding on their positions and activities in the race. Mostly everyone looked upset with the position they received, but they weren't allowed to trade. All teams then gathered at the starting point and we all got in our positions for the race.

The first race was Eiko's turn. She had to jump up to catch an apple with her mouth while her hands were tied, run through cones and crawl under a net without letting the apple fall. Her short stature made it hard to reach the apple, but once she caught it, the rest was pretty easy for her, ending up in second place, which wasn't fair because the winner was the tallest boy in the class.

The second course was a 100 meter race, and the one who drew this activity was... Uzuki. She wouldn't even let go of her book. As we were in the starting line, I tried to convince her to put the book down, but I had no luck. An idea then came across my mind.

"Uzuki, won't you hand me your book until the end of the race?"

"No. I'm in a very important part."

I grinned. "Is that so..." I grabbed the book from from her hands and lifted it up high so she wouldn't reach it. Aki laughed and I looked at her. Somehow she looks jealous, is it because I'm teasing Uzuki and not her? So cute.

"You can have this book back once you win the race." I told Uzuki in a smirk. She glared menacingly at me as I walked towards the finish line.

As the race began, Uzuki sprinted the whole way, running faster than ever. She ended up winning the race and I smiled, proud of my idea. I'd forgotten to give her book back and she knocked me down, stealing the book from my hands. Her relationship with books really isn't healthy.

If this trick worked with Uzuki, maybe it will work with the other girls... I grinned.

The next activity is a pair race where two people have one of their feet tied to the other person's and they must race to the finish line. Why did this activity end up in the responsibility of the two clumbsiest girls in our team?

I tied up Aki's left foot with Chihiro's right one as everyone prepared in the finishing line. How can I bribe these two into winning... I grinned. Is this considered cheating?

"Chihiro..." I spoke softly so Aki wouldn't hear, "If you two win this race, I might give you a free pass in brinking makeup into my classroom."

"Really?" A smile formed on her face. "Leave this to me." She pumped her fist in determination. Such a ridiculous thing can motivate her?

I then walked up to Aki. She widened her eyes as she noticed I was looking at her. "Hey." I whispered into her ear and placed my hand on her shoulder. "I'll be really happy if you girls win this race." I winked, almost touching my lips on her ear. "I might even give you a special surprise." I patted her head, noticing how much she was blushing.

As I walked away I could tell she was hiding a determined look that was also forming on her face and both her fists were pumped against her chest. This should do it.

As the whistle blew, the two of them walked in pairs, trying to get the hang of it. Aki's determination faded as she somehow got tangled on the rope.

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