Chapter 9

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Our school never cared much about parties and things like dances and proms, but this year, after being continuously annoyed by the first-years, the student council decided to try out organizing a dance at night.


The party had just begun, few students were dancing on the floor. To my dislike, I was forced by the other teachers to supervise the event. Students danced while others played with balloons and others simply stood, eating the free food. Suddenly a radiant figure passed by me, smelling like roses. She was wearing a pink dress with rose laces, her face was exaggeratedly covered in makeup, obviously put on by her friends. Aki's lips were colored in a dark red, her cheeks pink, and she was wearing blue eyeliner. I chuckled as I was leaning against the wall, watching her struggle to walk in high-heels.

Idiot. You don't need to dress up and wear makeup to be beautiful.

Along the dance, I noticed Aki glancing over in my direction. She must be wondering if I approve of her looks. I looked away, pretending not to notice her, then occasionally I would glance at her. She looked annoyed, as if the only point for her to come to this dance was to make me notice her. I was laughing hard inside as I saw her reactions.

Then, Aki finally decided to come talk to me.

"Sensei, why aren't you dancing?" she said in a nervous, yet cute, tone.

Is this really all she could think of as an excuse to make me look at her?

"Why aren't you?" I said, in an indifferent and cool voice.

"I don't know how to." she murmured to herself.

"Do you want me to teach you?" I smirked at her. I felt like making her flustered, and it worked, Aki blushed furiously and both her eyes and mouth widened, letting out a quiet "Eh?" followed by a loud "EHHHHHH?!"

Everyone around us looked at her. She calmed down and stuttered, "N-no thank you."

"Are you sure?" I grinned and Aki nodded, blushing.

I patted her head, undoing her hair bun. "You know..." I said, while lifting her chin up and wiping the makeup off her face, "Some girls actually look better without makeup." I winked and left her blushing and looking surprised.

After that, I never saw Aki wearing makeup again. Always trying her best to please me... How could such a sweet girl like her fall in love with a guy like me?

After what I had said, Konoe joined the rest of her friends. They made a circle, conversing with each other, giggling. Chihiro was the first to leave the group after a nervous looking guy asked her to dance. Tamika and Eiko got tired of the dance and went home later on and Uzuki had never arrived, she probably just stayed at home reading a book. Aki was left alone, watching others dance. Some guys asked her to dance, but she politely and shyly rejected them, probably with the same excuse she gave me.

I casually walked towards Aki, standing beside her. She was startled to see me.

"Having fun?" I teased, bored to death.

Aki smiled faintly and looked away, nodding.

"Why don't you try to dance?"

"Because it's embarrassing." she said, starting to blush.

I smiled, having an idea. As the other students were distracted by dancing, I grabbed Aki's hand discreetly. She looked surprised as I pulled her, taking her into an empty room. I turned the lights on and closed the door. A slow song was playing, we could hear it perfectly even though the room door was closed. Aki froze, she stared at me confused. I grinned.

"Here," I said walking closer towards her, "place your hands on my shoulders."

"Eh?" Aki said, sounding surprised. I guided her, placing her hands on my shoulders. "It's okay Sensei, you don't have to do this."

"It's fine. I'm bored anyways." I gently held onto her waist, closing the distance between us.

"Follow my steps." I told her.

I guided her, moving my feet as she followed. At first, she stumbled a bit, even stepped on my feet, but after a while she was able to get the hang of it. After Aki had learned to dance decently enough, I stopped instructing her and we danced naturally. I gazed into her glowing eyes the whole time and she gazed back at mine. Why I was doing this, I too wasn't sure, but I was strangely satisfied. Dancing with Aki made a strange warmth run through my body. I was bewitched by her eyes, like the stars that were out tonight, they glowed brightly, just like diamonds.

 "Sensei... The song's over." she pointed out, even though I was already aware of it.

"I know." I said in a low voice, nearly whispering. "It's fine, just keep dancing." I felt a strange desire to keep holding her.

After a while, I slowed down until I stopped, pulling apart from Aki's body. She gently let go of my shoulders as well and we stood, facing each other.

"You're not that bad."

She blushed, "Thank you. You too, Sensei." Aki said, nervously averting her eyes from mine.

I chuckled, making her look back at me.

"Was there someone you wanted to dance with today?" I asked even though I already knew the answer. Aki shook her head, still blushing. "Huh~ Is that so?" I teased, "So there's no special guy?"

"Eh?" I smirked, making her flustered. "There is..." she said, to my surprise, "but he doesn't like me."

I smiled, "How can you be so sure?"

"Because..." she paused, looking down, "I just know so."

"You shouldn't give up just yet." I smirked, lowering myself and kissing her burning cheek. "We should get back before someone gets any suspicions." I said, turning towards the door.

"Sensei!" Aki called out to me. I slowly turned around and was surprised to see Aki's radiant and cheerful smile. "Thank you so much for always being there for me." she said, smiling. I have never seen Aki smile like this even though she is always smiling, even when she's in pain.

I smiled and nodded, "No problem." I answered.

I left the classroom and shortly after, the dance was over. After cleanup was over, I was finally allowed to return home with my mind overflowing with thoughts, wondering why I had danced with my student, not wanting to let go of her.

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