Chapter 14: Class Trip (2nd Day)

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We planned for everyone to meet at 7:30am in the main cabin so we could all have breakfast before going on a hike. It's 8 o'clock and only eight of the twenty-five students were here. We, the teachers, had to go to the cabins we were in charge of and make sure the students got ready.

I arrived at the girls' side and searched. I then found the cabin, furthest away from the others. I knocked at the door and waited outside. There was no response and no sound seemed to come from the cabin. I knocked again. They don't answer. Maybe they're sleeping. I should take a peek. I took a step towards the window and peeked inside. My body paralyzed as I noticed the five girls were in nothing but their underwear, getting dressed. I tried escaping before being seen, but it was too late. They had spotted me and started screaming. I stepped away from the window and covered my flushed face while waiting at the door.

A few seconds later, Eiko charged out the door, half-naked. She grabbed a stick from the bushes and striked me with it on my back, forcing me on my knees. I accidentally took a glance at her chest, which was surprizingly flatter than Aki's. I managed not to laugh but I seemed to have smirked accidentally. Eiko flushed and a murderous look emerged on her face. She struck me with the stick once again but on the head this time.

"Old pervert!" she yelled as she threw blow after blow. As the best GYM class student, she really does have strength. I protected the blows, only getting hit in the arms.

"Eiko, stop!" Aki said, running out of the cabin, finally dressed.

Eiko threw one final blow and I was able to catch the stick, throwing it to the side. Eiko then kicked me with full-power between my legs. I kneeled back down grabbed myself in pain.

"Eiko!" Aki scolded. She ran towards me and bent down, rubbing my back, "Sensei, are you okay?" I'm surprised she's not acting shy after what I just saw.

I got back up slowly, "Yeah, I'm fine." I patted her head and rested my hand on her shoulder, facing the other girls.

"It's already 8:20." I said sternly, glancing at my watch, "You guys are almost an hour late!"

"Who cares. It's just a stupid hike anyways." Eiko shrugged.

"Just because of that comment, you are all preparing everyone's packed lunch for today." I strictly said. I felt sorry for Aki and the others, but this girl needs to learn to respect her elders. I don't even want to imagine how she acts at home.

We arrived at the main cabin, noticing everyone else was already there. I hurried everyone as we ate breakfast. I don't even want to be here and somehow I'm the one who seems more exited about the hike.

I supervised as Aki and her friends hurried to pack the lunches before we left. Aki seemed to be doing her best just like she does with everything else, Tamika did the job without complaining but with a bored expression, Chihiro seemed to be more worried about not getting dirty and not ruining her nails, Uzuki was reading instead of doing her job, and Eiko was slacking off as usual. Noticing this, I gave Aki and Tamika a break while forcing the others to do the rest of the work.


We walked past a field of corn and tall grass and a farm with baby sheep and cows. All the girls, including the teachers, stopped to watch and aw-wed in endearment. I rolled my eyes and so did most of the boys.

We kept walking and found a field of horses but they were too far away to pet. This takes me back....

"Hey, Sensei~~" a high-pitched voice called out to me. I looked back. "How much longer do we have to walk?" Kagome asked, she and her friends looking exhausted.

"We still have a long way to go." I smiled and winked, turning back around to walk. They squealed excitedly and ran up to me, grabbing my arms.

"Sensei, my legs hurt. Can you carry me?" one of them asked.

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