Chapter 19

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She crossed her arms and leaned onto the door frame with a grin plastered on her face. "Oh, isn't he a cutie?" So direct... There's nothing of Aki in her personality. "Who is he, Aki? Your boyfriend?" she laughed as if the idea was impossible.

"Sis..." Aki complained, pouting at her.

"I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I just wish there were teachers like him when I was in high school." She spoke in a charismatic manner. Were these two even raised together? I shot a smile at her, as I do to all girls I usually encounter. "Oh, so you're flirty too. I bet you break a lot of hearts in that school."

"Sis!" Aki raised her voice, protecting me as I chuckled.

"Just kidding." she covered her mouth while laughing. "Kanae Miyu." she bowed slightly while smiling charmingly.

"Miyano Jin." I bowed back. "I'm Aki's History teacher."

"I figured that was you." she smirked, crossing her arms once again. "I've heard quite a lot about you." Miyu nudged Aki and she blushed cutely. I smiled at her reaction.

"Maybe you should tell Papa everything you tell me." Miyu made it sound like a joke, but it sounded more like a threat to me. Out of context, I looked at them questioning as Aki looked frightened at her smirking sister.

"Well," I spoke up, interrupting the confrontation happening in front of me, "I wouldn't want to hold you up for much longer. I should go." I lifted Aki's bag into the house entrance and picked mine up to leave, bowing at them first. Miyu observed her nodding sister who returned my bow and thanked me for everything, as if she was waiting for a different reaction.

"Nonsense!" she then interrupted my leaving and placed her hand on mine holding the suitcase. Aki looked at her, protesting, and I watched her smiling sister in curiosity. "Why won't you come inside and join us for dinner?"

My eyes widened as did Aki's. "I... I don't know if that's a good idea..." I scratched the nape of my neck, thinking of how many lines I'd be crossing as a teacher.

"Come on." she grabbed my free hand and pulled me inside. "Stop being a teacher for just one night."

Having no other choice, I hesitatingly entered Aki's house, observing everything around me. Miyu took my bag and left it in the entrance. The house quickly accepted me and filled me with an uneasily warm feeling. It was the type of home in which cheerful children would be grown into, but somehow an unbalanced force wheezed in it too. For a moment, I wondered what it must've been like for Aki to have grown up in this house and I asked myself if it had anything to do with the way she acts strong and hides her pain.

"It'll be just a minute. The food will be ready soon." I was led into a room with a table and pillows surrounding it. I knelt down in front of it as so did Aki. We sat in silence and her face seemed to grow redder as she looked down. Soon enough, she got up abruptly and ran clumsily into the kitchen. I remained seated, looking around. Muffled voices could be heard and, even if I didn't mean to, my ears unwillingly strained to hear.

"He's quite good-looking. Your teacher, that is." No response came from Aki. "But of course you already know that." I could feel a smirk in her voice. "Well, too bad for you he's your teacher, I guess that means I can have him all to myself."

"Sis, you can't!" she finally protested. I chuckled silently.

"Oh? And why is that?" she teased her younger sister, knowing her true feelings. That woman is more like me than like Aki. Again, no answer from Aki. I could almost see her blush through the walls. "Hm?" her sister insisted.

Aki then responded something inaudible I figured was something like "Just because." knowing how she gets when she's flustered.

The silence was then followed by snigger. "Oh, how indecent. My little sister is in love with a teacher? I can't wait until Dad finds out about this." she spoke amusingly. My eyes widened. This is it, isn't it? I can almost feel the end of my career.

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