Chapter 13: Class Trip (1st Day)

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Monday we, the teachers, had a meeting to plan a class trip to the woods to teach the students about teamwork and survival, but I know this is going to be useless. The kids are just going to mess around and learn nothing. All the male teachers were able to bail out, but as the class teacher, I was still forced to go.


Wednesday, we left for the trip and I was being forced to sit in a bus for 3 hours filled with yelling and pitchy singing.

"Sensei, there are no more seats left." Tamika said from the seats on the opposite side of mine.

"Who doesn't have a seat?" I looked over, noticing Aki standing next to Tamika. It had to be her... I scooched over to the seat next to the window and allowed Aki to sit beside me. Reminds me of the time we were in the train together...

Aki was nervous the whole way, keeping her hands pressed together in uneasiness and looking down. I wanted to say something to break the tension between us but couldn't figure out what to say. What happened yesterday is just making this situation even more awkward.

"Sorry..." She spoke in a very quiet voice. I could hardly hear her.

"Huh?" I asked, trying to understand what she said.

Aki sinked her head lower and buried her chin in her chest. "I'm sorry about yesterday." I couldn't see her face, but I could tell her ear was bright red.

"Ah, n-no." Even I was becoming flustered. "It wasn't your fault. And I told you to stop apologizing, right?" I said, trying to sound cool. Aki glanced up at me and quickly turned her head back around, noticing that I was looking straight at her. I then sighed and got lost in my thoughts.

For one full hour, we sat in silence. I kept looking out the window, not wanting to talk to the female teachers about shopping and other girl nonsense. I tried sleeping but it was almost impossible with all the ruckus around, so I plugged my earphones and closed my eyes.

As I was about to doze off, I felt something press against my shoulder. I looked over and saw it was Aki. She had fallen asleep. I turned my face, trying to ignore the bewitching fragrance of her smooth hair and the gentle warmth of her fragile body. As a teacher, was I supposed to wake her up or let her be? I wished that no one would look. Her warmth started affecting me and her peaceful state was unbearing. I too became drowsy and allowed my eyes close.

I slowly opened my eyes to see everyone gathered around our seats. They were laughing and holding up their phones, taking pictures. The annoying female teachers pressed their hands together, squealing "So cute!!" and Eiko had a death glare filling her boyish face. I soon realized they were looking at us and I lifted my head in confusement.

As I lifted my head, Aki blinked her eyes open. We looked at each other, puzzled. Heat filled our faces and we both became beet red as we noticed the position we were in.

Her classmates showed us pictures and teased. I had fallen asleep with my head resting on hers. Of all the positions I could fall asleep in...

I apologised to Aki and she did so as well. After all the teasing and annoying comments, we exited the bus. One boy had to run behind the bushes to throw up from becoming nauseous in the bus ride.

We then gathered and I read from the paper the other teachers handed me. Why couldn't they read this themselves? I have to be three days putting up with these people. What a drag...

I cleared my throat, calling everyone's attention. "There are five cabins for four people and one of five. Organize who you want to be with." I said sternly, not wanting to waste time.

"Sensei! Sensei!" I knew this was going to happen, "Can we have the cabin of five?" they begged and jumped on top of me.

I shook them all off and looked around, "You five can be together." I have to admit my choice was a bit biased and unfair as I picked Aki and her friends to have the room of 5, just because I couldn't stand seeing her left out once again.

After all students had figured out who they would share a room with, they took all their things to get settled in their cabins. We then organized the rooms for the teachers. There were three cabins for the teachers. As the only male teacher, I was lucky to have my own small cabin to finally have some peace and quiet. We then split as well and were guided to our rooms.

My room was quite small since it was for only one person. It had one bed, a bathroom, a small cupboard, and a coffee table. Everything was made of wood and looked as if it could fall apart in seconds. I was just pleased to have a window open to the view of mountains topped with snow. I opened my suitcase and fit everything into the cupboard lazily, having nothing else to do.

I then leaned on the window and pulled out a cigarette. Why do such things keep happening between Aki and I? She's such a sweet girl, but I can't get involved with her. Why would I even want to, she's just a kid. So why is this annoying me so much? I touched my lips as I blew out smoke. Yesterday... What would've happened if we had actually kissed?

I was called back to reality as the door to my cabin knocked. I gently opened the door and it burst open from the outside.

"Miyano Sensei~!!" The other teachers yelled and let themselves inside my room without consent. Two of them hugged each of my arms, rubbing their abnormally large breasts against me.

"You know, Jin-kun~" one began. Who does she think she is, calling me that? "The principle isn't here with us." The other continued and they smirked. What are they implying? Another one of them placed her hands on my chest and pressed her breasts against it. What's wrong with these three, there are kids in this trip. "You can take us all, we don't mind." a fourth one said, pushing us onto the bed. I sat on the bed, surrounded by five lustful women. Two sat on my thighs kissing my neck, another rubbed her breasts on my back while hugging me from behind, while the other two kept hugging my arms. I don't feel like putting up with this now.

I thought of a way to send them off while still making them fall head-over-heels for me. I grabbed one's chin seductively, "Sorry ladies, but it wouldn't be fair for the others if I were to give you my love while we're away." I spoke in a cool voice, "What would I do if they found out that I had loved you more than them?" I whispered into one's ear.

They squealed and filled me with kisses, making sure to press their chests tightly against me. I grabbed the two that were on top of me and got up. Worked just as planned... Women are just too easy.

They soon got distracted and started rummaging through my things. I rolled my eyes and sighed. Can't women stay still for a second? I wonder if Aki will grow up to be like these sluts. What a waste of innocence...

"Ohoho~" they snickered annoyingly, holding up my boxer briefs "So you're a tight boxers man, Miyano?" My eyes widened and I ran to them, pushing them away from my things and sat them down.

I crossed my arms angrily and they sat in line on my bed with their hands pressed together on their laps, loking like children who were being punished for doing something wrong.

"Can we just get this meeting over with?"

They nodded in agreement and we started discussing who would be in charge of which cabin. No one wanted to be in charge of cabin 2 with the delinquints, so we wrote down the number of each cabin in pieces of paper and each of us drew a paper. I drew cabin 5. My chest tightened as I noticed it was Aki's cabin. I guess it's best, so that these women don't put any indecent thoughts in her pure mind, but still... I was not yet ready to be this close to her again. Not until I find out my true feelings for her.

I had to forcefully make the women leave my cabin. I started writing down plans for the next day and soon it was night.

I prepared a campfire on our meeting point and once everyone arrived, we all made s'mores before going to sleep.

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