Chapter 1

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My name is Miyano Jin, 26 years old. Five months ago I became a high school teacher in Chiba.

Recently, I've also started to notice one of my female students, Kanae Aki, who suddenly began blushing a lot and stuttering whenever I talk to her. She's really easy to read, so now I tease her on purpose just to see her cute blushing face.

I just don't understand how a cute little high school student like her can fall in love with a teacher, especially someone like me.

*Piii piiii* Huh? Someone's calling me?

"Miyano-san~" oh no, not her again.

"Do you want to go somewhere together? Grab a cup of coffee?"

So annoying, all those women flirting with me... They're so annoying. All I have to do is make up some lame excuse and say it in an apologetic tone, that's all it takes and they always forgive me, but never give up.

"Ah, Rina I'm so sorry. I've got tones of papers to grade, but I wish I could go..."

"Ohh~ You're always so busy, such a hard worker. It's okay, see you next time then."

I closed my phone, "sigh..." it's the third time this week she calls me. What a nuisance...

I leaned against the window while smoking a cigarette. Kanamori Rina is the best-looking teacher at our school, blonde silky hair, soft skin, a teenager's body and a cheerful personality. She's the target of all unmarried male teachers and of some High School boys as well. She can easily manipulate any of them, so now she thinks she can do the same to me.

All females are annoying, teachers, students, all but one, Kanae Aki. She's a pretty interesting girl, easy to read but interesting. It's also quite amusing to tease her. She's not like any of the others.

I sat down on the couch, becoming annoyed by grading History tests. Do these kids even try? All of them failed, Aki's friends, Chihiro, Tamika, Uzuki, and of course Eiko. Shouldn't they ask Aki for help?

"Good job" I smiled as I graded Aki's test, 100% again. Aki is the perfect role-model for all students, she tries her best in everything she does, sometimes she even tries too hard and ends up with fevers.

It's going to be a pain tomorrow, to return these tests.


"Not fair! Sensei why do you hate us all? Why is Kanae-chan the only one with good grades in this class?"

How did I guess...

"Because she studies, in contrary to the rest of you." I looked over to Aki's seat, she quickly turned her head and blushed. You're way too transparent...

I continued the lesson and then dismissed the students to lunch after the bell. Most of them stayed in the classroom to eat.

"Aki-chan~" Eiko's loud voice whined, "Can I copy your math homework? I forgot to do it."

"Sure." answered Aki with her usual, cheerful smile.

I walked towards the group of girls and smacked Eiko's head with the math book and gave it back to Aki.

"Eiko, learn to do your own work. And Aki, don't let others rely on you so much, it's for their own good."

"Okay! I'm sorry Sensei." Aki said. I smiled at her and she became flustered. This is way too fun.

As I turned my back, I guessed Eiko would be making funny faces at me, so I threw a pencil at her.

"Ouch!! Every single time... Does he have eyes on the back of his head?" she yelled angrily.

Aki can befriend pretty much anyone, but she decides to hang out with those with no friends instead of with the popular girls. Each of the girls Aki hangs out with has, let's say their own 'special feature'.

Eiko is the loudest of the group, she and Aki have been best friends since Kindergarden. She's always running to Aki to copy her work and I'd say she's a terrible influence for her, Eiko's grades are terrible and all she cares about is GYM class. The only decent thing about Eiko is that she protects Aki from anyone who is mean to her, but she mostly uses the opportunity to show off her strength.

Every time I hear the girls talk, Chihiro has a different boyfriend, she wears a lot of make-up, she only cares about her looks and always runs to Aki crying for breaking up with her new boyfriend. Girls like her piss me off, they talk about guys like they're a prize and when they finally get their hands on them, they dispose the guy like he's a piece of trash.

I've hardly heard Uzuki talk, it's not that she's shy, she just thinks it's not worth wasting words to talk to others. She's always reading and only opens her mouth to make absurd comments. She was the fourth to join the group; whenever someone tried to talk to her, Uzuki would insult them in some way, then everyone resented her and she was all alone until Aki insisted her to hang out with them. Recently, the whole school spilled out the rumor that she's the famous keitai novel writer, MILKA, I actually don't doubt it, she does look like she has some kind of hidden personality.

Tamika is the protector, she stand up for any of the girls and is the one the clueless Aki relies on when she's troubled. Tamika is actually not that bad in comparison to the others, her grades aren't perfect but they're not that bad either. She also punches Eiko every time she says something stupid, which I agree with, and she's in the archery club and participates in the nationals tournament.

I've already said a lot about Aki, she's a cute, short girl. She's always cheerful and loves to help others even though she's very clueless and has to rely on others herself. She tries her best in everything she does and gives too much importance to little things.

This is probably the loudest group of girls I've ever taught, and just my luck to end up with all of them in my homeroom.


End of Chapter (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)

(><。)Sorry for the boring chapter, this was more of an introduction to the main characters.

Thank you so much for reading. (*^^)v

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