Chapter 7

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A few days passed since I assigned the project to the class. I gave them this class to work on the project and it will be due tomorrow.

"Hey, Aki~" Yuki's nerve-wrecking, exaggeratedly cheerful voice called out to her once again. "Do you want to come over to my house after school to finish the project?"

My attention was suddenly caught and I quickly fixed my eyes on those two. I glared at them, waiting for Aki's answer. She soon noticed my piercing stare and looked at me. Aki noticed that I had overheard his proposal and she seemed to understandthat I was completely against it.

Aki looked back at Yuki. She struggled to refuse his offer, but was able to let out a gentle and quiet, "Sorry..."

Yuki looked surprised and pretended to be fine with it, "It's okay! It's okay! Don't worry about it." he said, waving his hands while wearing his usual smile.

I sighed in relief and then jolted in surprise. Why am I frettingso much over these two? Would I act this way with any other of my students? No... Aki is special, she's way too oblivious, I can't just let any guy play with her like this.

"Then... Should we stay afterschool to finish the project?" Yuki concealed his disappointment with a cheerful smile.

She then looked back at me, as if she were waiting for my approval. I averted my eyes, looking uninterested, and she returned to to look at the annoying boy.

"Okay." Aki responded with a smile.


I had a teachers' meeting after school. In the pauses between the meetings, I passed by the classroom 1-3, checking on Aki and Yuki though the classroom windows. For some reason I don't really trust that guy... He gets on my nerves.

I passed by the room once again, they were just sitting beside each other, writing on some papers. I felt relieved.

My last meeting was held just a few rooms beside classroom 1-3.

Towards the end of the meeting, I thought I had heard a girl's squeal. I looked around, wondering if I had been the only one to hear it. No one else seemed to have noticed, so I tried to ignore it.

The more I tried to convince myself that the squeal had been my imagination and that Aki was fine, the more anxious and nervous I became.

I excused myself from the meeting and ran towards the room the two of them were in. The curtains were closed, I had no view into the classroom.

My heart started beating faster and faster. I began feeling panicked. I tried opening the door, but it was locked.

My hand trembled as I slowly knocked on the classroom door. "Aki? Yuki?" No answer. Even by pressing my ear onto the wall, I could only hear muffled voices.

I then remembered that I had spare keys to the classroom. I inserted them into the keyhole and turned it to unlock the door.

"Aki!" I shouted out as I slammed the door open.

Yuki had his hand placed over Aki's mouth and he had a grin on his face looking at the door, as if he were expecting me.

I stood petrified in confusion.

"Sensei~" Yuki smirked. "You know," he continued "it's a crime for a teacher to fall in love with his student." he grinned.

"What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about." His nose crinkled as he grinned even further, "I noticed how you've had your full attention on us ever since we paired up for this project."

Yuki laughed, "Are you worried that I will steal away your precious student?" he licked Aki's cheek. Her eyes filled with terror, on the verge of tears.

"Let her go." I ordered. My voice echoed in the classroom.

"First, answer my question. Have you fallen in love with your student?" he grinned.

"What? That's ridiculous. Let her go!" I had forgotten about her feelings for me and I glanced over at her to see the pained look on her face.

"Oh~?" he made a smug smile, "Then you wouldn't mind me doing things to her, would you?"

He kissed her neck and began unbuttoning her shirt. I ran towards them.

"Let go of her!"

As I got closer to them, Yuki wrapped his arm around Aki's neck and warned me not to get closer.

He kept undressing her while grinning at me. Once he reached the last button of her shirt, anger filled inside me and I quickly ran towards them and punched Yuki's stomach, making him let go of Aki.

As Yuki slowly recovered and got back up, I grabbed Aki and held her closely against my chest.

"As I thought." he grinned as he quickly and slyly took a picture of us with his cell phone. "Don't worry, I won't touch her anymore. It's not like I'd ever feel any desire for such an unnatractive girl anyways."

"See you, Aki. Thanks for working on the project with me." he then grinned at me and left the room.

What is he going to do with that picture?

Aki hugged me tightly and started weeping on my chest. I hugged her back, trying to comfort her. What should I say at a time like this?

"Sensei..." she whined.

I rubbed my hand on her back, "It's okay. Cry all you need."

After a while, Aki calmed down and released her grip on me. I placed my hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her body apart from mine. I kneeled and buttoned her shirt back on, trying not to look directly at her pink bra.

Once I was done, I looked up at her and she was blushing, yet looking fixedly into my eyes. I wonder if she believed in what Yuki said about me being in love with her...

"Sensei..." a sad expression formed on her face. "Am I really that unnatractive?"

She's worried about that?

"No." I smiled, "Of course not."

"You're just being nice, aren't you?" she insisted.

I got up from my knees and kissed her cheek while brushing her hair. "Believe me, you're not." I smiled at her and she tried to smile back.

I realized how scared she must be after what happened.

"Sorry." I said, "I shouldn't have done that after Yuki touched you."

She shook her head, "It's okay." Aki grabbed my hand and wrapped it with her soft and slender fingers, "It's okay if it's you."

My eyes widened, I looked at her surprised. Aki then became flustered and blushed.

"I-I mean--" she struggled to speak, "I-I'm not afraid of you, Sensei. I trust you." She smiled, trying to disguise her embarrassment.

I patted her head and smiled back. I then noticed the mark on her neck. I lowered myself and brushed her hair away.

"Your neck..." I gently wrapped my hand around it, "Did he hurt you?"

"N-no," she stuttered, "It's fine."

She's obviously lying.

"Aki..." I sighed. "Just tell me when you're hurt, don't hide your feelings from me." I scolded, "I've told you this before, haven't I?"

She fell silent and nodded. I then lowered myself and gently placed my lips on her neck. She jolted in surprise, but I kept kissing her.

"Is it better now?" I asked, covering my face from embarrassment, I really suck at consoling people.

Aki became flustered and blushed immensely, causing me to laugh. I chuckled hardly at the look on her face and grabbed onto my stomach. Once I looked back up, Aki was pouting, looking just like a little child.

She then began laughing as well and I felt happy for at least helping her forget about what had happened.

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