Chapter 4

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Everyone seemed to having a lot of fun. We were in the water for about an hour playing ball and other things and then we made a short pause for lunch.

The students made a line around us, the teachers, to get their food. I, as a teacher, was stuck making sandwiches for everyone. Soon, the next ones in line were Aki's friends.

I then realized Aki wasn't with them. "Where's Aki?" I asked, not being able to spot her in the line. The girls looked around and then pointed into the distance where two shades stood, one was much larger than the other.

"Take over for me." I winked at a girl and she obediently and lovestruck took the bread that I handed her and did my job from me.

I started walking in the direction of the two shades. If one of them is Aki, then who is the other? As I got closer, I noticed Aki talking to a man I've never seen before. Anger suddenly striked me. I started running towards Aki.

"That's enough." I glared at the man as I placed a hand on Aki's shoulder. Aki looked up at me with an innocent and surprised look, as if she didn't understand the possibility of that man harming her.

"And who are you?" the chubby man asked as if he knew Aki.

"Her teacher." I strictly said as I pulled Aki closely against my chest.

I kept glaring into his eyes until he gave up and walked away just like the man in the bus.

I waited until he left and then I turned Aki towards me.

"What were you thinking?! Talking to a random man in the beach."

"Wha--" she sounded confused.

"Do you have any idea of what he could have done to you if I hadn't showed up?!" anger filled up inside me, not because I was mad at her but because I was worried, and I started scolding her.

"He said he needed help and he sounded nice, so--"

"To you everyone could sound nice! You're way too clueless... What if he had asked you to follow him somewhere else, would you have done that?!" Aki's eyes were wide with fear, looking fixedly into mine. Am I being too harsh?  "Are you aware of what could've happen to you?!" Aki's frightened eyes calmed me down and I suddenly hugged her. I placed a hand on the back of her head and wrapped an arm around her waist.

Feeling my voice week and frail, I whispered, "If anything had happened to you I wouldn't be able to forgive myself."

Aki allowed her body to be crushed by my grip and answered, "I'm sorry Sensei. I'm really sorry." she said in a gentle voice as if she was trying to console me.

I held her even tighter. The warmth of her body and the fragrance of her soft hair... it calms me down.

After a while, I let go of Aki, who surprisingly wasn't blushing as much as usual. "You better go eat before you faint from the sun." she nodded and smiled cheerfully, prancing off with a cheerful, flowery aura surrounding her.

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