✣Chapter 1: Giants part 1✣

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The sunlight shined through my window, the cool breeze from outside blew my wind chimes and I slowly woke up. I brushed my teeth and went downstairs to make breakfast. Then I went to go get my phone from the charging port and as I disconnected it, I saw the time.

"Oh shoot, I'm late for school!" I screamed

I ran back up the stairs and bolted to my room to quickly get changed. I was so late that I just threw on random clothes. When I looked in the mirror I saw that my favorite white hoodie had a dark brown stain from when I went to go get coffee earlier that week. But I was already so late that I didn't care and just grabbed my bag and bolted out of the house as fast as I could. I already missed the bus so I just ran straight to school. I was almost two blocks down when I saw Val.

"HEY VAL!" I yelled

He stopped walking and looked over at me.

"Oh, it's you. Hey, Alex! You late again?" He replied

That's my best friend Valentino Alvarez but he goes by Val in public, we have been friends ever since preschool. You know that saying I have never seen two pretty best friends well it's not that one of us is ugly, it's that Val got a major glow-up. For one he got tall, we used to be the same height but he got his last growth spurt. He is 6 feet tall and I'm only 5'8. That's not all Val is also really good-looking, he has dark brown hair, light brown skin, and two dreamy eyes even though he is a bit self-conscious about them. Although he has a lot of people asking him out, he can't get past a first date. He has gone on dates with every single girl at our school but when I ask him about it he says "I still haven't found the right one". He also is the basketball team's star player you know because he's freaking tall! Also because he's a good player but I say it's mostly because he's tall.

"Hey, Val, did you hear about the monster that attacked people in the city last night?" I asked

About a year ago monsters/entities started appearing in LA. These monsters appear around once a month. These monsters are odd; no one knows anything about them. All that we for sure know is that the monsters end their rampage at the Hollywood mountains. When the first entity arrived, after it ended its rampage no one was allowed to enter the vicinity of the mountains or the forest near it. I know, why don't we get the military involved, the government decided to just close off the city because the monster always ends up disappearing. So we aren't able to do much about them, not even evacuate the city because of an odd boundary that surrounds the city. An invisible barrier that stops anyone from leaving, people can enter just not leave(that includes flying, car, and boat) So we are just learning to live with it because we don't know much about what's happening.

Val and I started walking down the street together while we talked.

"Oh yeah, those things. Don't worry they usually just attack Los Angeles, and then they just head toward the Hollywood mountains." He replied

I looked down the street and then looked back at Val.

"I know but what if they ever come to Beverly Hills those things are dangerous and we don't even know what they want. I heard that the one spotted last night put its victims into a deep sleep filled with nightmares and when they woke up they started losing their memories. What if that was someone we knew?" I asked

He put his hand on my shoulder and grabbed me.

"Alex, don't worry we'll be fine those monsters aren't coming here calm down, you worry too much. Now let's get to school we are late." He said

I pushed him to the side and started running to school.

"Ok, the last one there has to buy lunch!" I said rushingly

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