⌚chapter 17: no time part 2⌚

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"What the heck is a midnight spirit?"

"They are ancestral being that holds the bounds of creation."

"Wait, so how am I one of them?"

"I guess you were just chosen like we all were."


"Were, not anymore. We lost our powers. Once we lose our powers we are gone. Forever."

"Then why are you here?"

"I'm not. The only reason I'm here is that relic. Those things have serious power, I used a powerful spell that trapped my being in that watch even though I am dead. With that, I use to be able to control time. But now that I'm not alive you are the only one who can use it because you are the last one of us."

"WAIT WHAT? How am I the last one?"

"All the other spirits were killed. And once they lost their powers their spirit isn't able to find a new carrier. Your last spirit was smart. He came to earth in the 1800s, he was safe but he knew he wouldn't survive if it ever came here so he decided to pass on his spirit. That's why he found me, we used my power to find you. And right after you were born he gave his spirit to you."

"Why me? These powers have only been a hindrance. And what would happen if I can't do it."

"Don't worry, you will be able to do it. He chose you because you are stronger than any of us will ever be. And these powers will grow with you, even if sometimes you think you can't do it, you will push through. The reason the bonds on your mask have been weakening isn't that you are getting weaker it's because you are getting stronger both physically and mentally. All of this may be hard so to help you through it I used my powers to bring you two old friends from the past."

He winked at me and smiled. He was the reason I have them both today.

"So who is this person or thing that you all are so scared of?"

"I don't know. I can't remember anything about it, even though I remember being in a fight with it. Worst of all my power or the reminisce of them are unable to show me that time of my life.  But what I can do is give you this."

He hands me a small book that is no bigger than my thumb.

"What is this?"

"It is what he left you for when the time came. It has a lot of information on the spirits and even a bit on you. It self writing, that's how I've been checking up on you. Whenever you need to read it just say "may the spirits grow my knowledge" then it will grow and when you close it it will return to size. I know it's a weird thing to say to open a book but I didn't make it. Oh, and here."

He hands me his pocket watch.

"It's now yours. With it, you can call me for help at any time. I don't have much use for it anymore, now that I can't use its magic but you can. Make use of the mirror and watch. My time is almost up. I suggest you get out of this room its a pocket dimension in space-time and my time is up. Whenever you need me just say my name and turn the clock to midnight. Stay safe."

The room around me slowly started to disappear.

"Wait before I go! What was his name?"

A smile appears on his face and he yells back at me.


I smiled back at him and quickly got out of there, once I stepped out of the waterfall I felt a flash of light. I looked behind at the waterfall and the hidden space was gone. But I was holding the book and the relics so I knew it wasn't a dream.

I ran home as fast as I could. I needed to question my mom. I entered my house in a rush.



I saw her in the kitchen having a drink.

"Oh um, nothing. I was just wondering, but did you know a guy named Conner?"

"Yes, it was a while ago. When I was in my early teens. He was my best friend. Why?"

"What happened to him?"

"He died around the time born, both your father and I were devastated."

"My dad? Were they friends?"

"Of course. The three of us use to go on adventures all the time. But I feel like when he was with us he was missing someone. He told me that he use to have someone that he loved dearly but he lost them. He had no family from what he told us so we were his family."

"Where was he from?"

"I don't know, I can't remember. But one thing that I can always remember about him was his eyes. He had the prettiest magenta eyes. He use to wear contacts to hide them. Why are you asking so many damn questions."

"Mom, you need to see this."

She turns around to look at me and I lift my mask. My eyes were glowing a bright magenta. Once she saw my eyes she gasped and dropped her drink.

"Oh, my god."


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