˗ˏˋ 'ˎ˗chapter 13: one drop˗ˏˋ 'ˎ˗

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*Back at the wall entrance*

What should I do, what should I do? Where am I going to find this entity? I ponder these two questions to myself. But then I got an idea.

If all the monsters that attack the city were trying to kill they are doing a horrible job at it. But I think they just want to capture me. The reason I believe this is because of a past entity, let's call it a circuit breaker. It was a creature made of condensed electricity. It could absorb electricity and because of the large amount of electricity, it would produce heat. It sent Los Angeles into a city-wide blackout. And because of that, it made itself a glowing beacon. I hunted it down and confronted it. The entity was floating in the air not touching the ground. The second it saw me it sent a ball of fire right at me. I did not expect that. It eventually tired me out and backed me into a corner, and it zapped me. Not enough to kill me just to stun me and I blacked out. I woke up a few moments later to it carrying me to the mountains. So it did have a body but from what I could tell it was frail. At that moment I was able to free myself and get hold of my arrows and shoot it. The entity was caught off guard and fell to the floor, the electricity left its body and before it could get up I lifted my mask and turned it into ash.

The only way to kill these entities is when they are powerless, it is so they can't fight back. But now I have an idea. These mindless zombies will probably take me to Evergreen so that is my best bet at finding it. If I'm lucky these monsters will die along with Evergreen.

"Okay, hopefully, this works."

I snap my fingers and let the tree monster go. I hurriedly speed down to the ground to face the monster.


The monster turns and screeches at me, acid coming out of its mouth. For a second I doubted if this was a good idea but then the monster grabbed me a lifted me. It had me in its hand. I was being held down by some branch-like arms as they carried me across the city. We eventually reached a familiar place, the Alvarez estate.

"Shit, what are we doing here!"

I don't want to see Valentino right now, but now I might have to save him. We walked past the mansion to the backyard. We came to the front of a maze of hedges. When I heard a voice.

"Good job, now put him down, baby."

The giant immediately dropped me and I fell on a bed of grass.

"So you are the one that has been giving us so much trouble."

After getting a little bit of motion sickness from being carried across the city I come to my senses and see a woman beautiful, to say the least. She was wearing overalls and a sun hat but they turned to mud and vines started to wrap around her. Her hat turned into a crown made out of flowers.

"Are you Evergreen?"

"What no I have no name! But I do like the sound of that. Evergreen."

Vines popped out of the ground and pinned me to the ground.

"Well let us make this quick, I need a supercharge to get it I need you alive."

A vine wrapped around her arm and at the end of this vine was a long sharp thorn. It poked me and drew blood. Evergreen immediately got the drop and drank it. Vines around her started to glow.

"I can feel the rush of power through my veins."

*someone comes running over*

It was Mr. Alvarez. Evergreen immediately sent vines after him and caused a ruckus. Valentino, Ruby, and Mrs. Alvarez followed meeting a similar fate.

"No one can save you now."

I am still mad at Valentino but seeing him in danger caused a fire of rage to grow inside me. You can hurt me take my powers, but don't ever touch Valentino or Ruby!

"THAT'S IT!!!"

I broke free of the vine and kicked her straight in the gut. I grabbed four arrows and shot them around my friend to protect them from the fight of my life.

 I grabbed four arrows and shot them around my friend to protect them from the fight of my life

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