Chapter 9: The Hug

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As we sat down in the booth we ordered a large pepperoni pizza. Pizza is one of my favorite foods so now I know that Ruby is going to say something that I don't like.

"Ummm Alex I need to talk to you about Val."

"Sure Ruby, what's up?"

"I don't think Val wants to get married ever."

I tried to have a surprised yet concerned look on my face but I already knew this for a fact. See Valentino has dated a lot of girls but after a week they break up. I can tell he never really likes them. Valentino isn't good with saying no so when a girl confesses to him he goes out with them for a week then they break up. The girls are never too happy about this but what can you do? To be fair Valentino doesn't like anyone I barely see him smile in public the only times I have seen his smile is when we're having fun.

Valentino and I always have fun together, whether it's playing video games, racing to school, or just relaxing. I'm never bored when I'm with Valentino. He's my best friend and I wouldn't trade him for the world. I remember when we were 12 or 13 I wanted to go see a movie but I didn't have any money and I really to go see a movie with Valentino like we did every Saturday. I remember sitting on the stairs crying because it took me forever to save up my allowance but because we did have any food at home I had to go buy food with my own money. So because of that, I couldn't go to the movies with him.

As I drowned myself in my tears I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Valentino he asked me why I was crying and I explained. After he cheered me up and gave me a hug Valentino did the craziest thing and bought a whole movie theater with snacks and all. I was so happy that I didn't even notice what movie we were watching. It was a scary movie and I get scared easily so each time I got scared I would squeeze Valentino's arm. Long story short I almost broke his arms but I made it up to him with a hug.

"ALEX!!! Are you listening to me!"

I snapped out of my flashback and focused on Ruby.

"Oh, sorry Ruby, what did u say?"

"I said do you think that Val doesn't like girls"

"WHAT! Why do you think that he has dated a lot of girls."

"Yeah, I know but he always breaks up with them and I have caught him staring at a guy before."

My heart sank when I heard her say that.

"There's no way Ruby maybe he just hasn't found the right one. Let's just stop talking about this I'm full, thanks for the pizza."

I left the restaurant with a heavy heart. I felt uneasy not because Ruby said that Valentino might like guys, it was something else she said that bothered me...

 I felt uneasy not because Ruby said that Valentino might like guys, it was something else she said that bothered me

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