!Chapter 6: The announcement!

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As the front door opened, I ducked down and hid. I was crouching down under the counter so no one would see me. Then I heard a voice coming from the living room.

"Alex! I'm home. Hey did you hear me? Are you here? I guess he's not home yet."

I quickly got out of the house threw the back door and made it outside to the garden. I tried reverting my mask to show the image of a face again but to no avail. I guess Valentino's punch did more damage than I thought. So I made another risky move to try and fix my mask. I grabbed a medium-sized rock from the ground and smashed a piece of my mask. Slowly the piece fell off and a bright glow filled the space that was left. Although I feared something might go wrong, I built up my courage and decided to take the risk. A part of my true face and skin was revealed by breaking a piece of my mask off but the bright magenta glow obstructed the view of my skin. The small crack enables me to use more of my powers in the open. As the bright glow grew bigger I started to concentrate, eventually, the glow filled my face and I was able to create a face that was almost identical to my old one but there was one difference. Where I chipped my mask was a spot that showed my true skin color and I can't change it. It's easier to convince people that I got a bad tan than to explain why I have a new face. (BTW I'm slightly darker under my mask)

I walked back into the house and made my way to my room and locked the door behind me. I fell on my bed and buried my face in the pillow hoping that this was all just a bad dream and that when I woke up, it would end. As I closed my eyes I saw the full moon in the sky and dreamt of that first night when I went out only with my mask on and was able to help people at least just a little. This dream filled my head and I drifted off to sleep.


My eyes slowly opened as I hit the snooze button on my alarm. I slowly stood up from my bed and let out a loud yawn. My room was in a mess after last night but I was too lazy to clean it up so I just went to the bathroom to wash up. The bathroom was only down the hall so I entered the room quickly. As I looked into the mirror I realized that what happened yesterday wasn't a dream. I saw the dark spot on my face that was left after I cracked my mask. At least I have a face again. Like I do every morning I walked down the stairs and made my way to the kitchen. I made my breakfast and got my phone from the charging port. Looks like my mom left me a note on the table it said "Have a good day at school!"

I made my way out of the house and down the street. I waited at the stop sign for Valentino because we usually meet here before school but he never showed. I walked to school and made it to the gate but Ruby was nowhere to be seen she usually stops me at the entrance and then screams at me for being late. I wonder what happened after I left.

The halls of the school were empty with no one in sight. As I entered the class I saw that neither Ruby nor Valentino came to school. Before I could ask anyone if they had seen them the teacher started talking.

"Class today we are watching the morning news as there is a special news report."

*The TV at the front of the class lights up as the news comes on*

"Breaking news today coming from one of the richest families in LA! The Alvarez Family has announced that their only son Valentino Alvarez is engaged. The lucky girl marrying the only son of a multi-billionaire is none other than Ruby Hernandez! Sadly we were unable to get an exclusive interview with the couple, but we did get to talk to the woman in charge of the wedding and the unification of the two companies Melissa Cruz."

*The TV flashes to an interview with Melissa*

Although my mom was saying that this would be the biggest and happiest wedding in the world I knew for a fact she was lying. She would never support a forced marriage but again had no say in the matter. The only reason why they couldn't get an interview with Valentino and Ruby is that Valentino is protesting the marriage.

*As the interview came to an end the tv turned off*

The day went as normal with only a few people asking me about the wedding but I just dodged their questions and ran. As the final bell rang I ran out the gates to avoid more questions about the wedding and as I made it to the stop sign I saw a familiar face waiting for me...

 As the final bell rang I ran out the gates to avoid more questions about the wedding and as I made it to the stop sign I saw a familiar face waiting for me

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