The fight

520 16 3

A/n: heyyyy


I left the school running to my car I left on the side. I drive off to xxx-xxx-xxx to be meet with these crazy bests.

Jk: ok I'm here where are they

???: over in that room number 17

Jk: ok thanks Yugyyeom

Yugyyeom: sure thing boss

( I'll explain at the end🤪)

I walk to the room and get my self ready.
Daggers ? Check
Mask? Check
Voice clear? Check
My inner demon? Ready


Jungkook went into room 17 with is mask on
his daggers and inner demon ready.

" so I heard that you guys wanted to fight"

" you really think someone who is to scared to show their face can fight us?!"

" let's see then"

———- yo I can not write fighting moments so bare with me——-

Flick* their was the lights out..

Jungkook takes a pencil out and throws it across the room.







They were shooting their guns everywhere.

They were flashing their powers in hope of seeing jungkook or in other words the boss

Lucky one of them go to spot jungkook but by that time jungkook was taking his daggers from his back pockets

Lucky one of them go to spot jungkook but by that time jungkook was taking his daggers from his back pockets

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You can imagine this one or

You can imagine this one or

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Or this one

 Or this one

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Or this one

Or this one

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Or this one

Or all 4 of them

Jungkook runs up to guy one and stabs him in the neck


The other guys trying to get their man back decide to shoot at jungkook.

Jungkook picked the guy up and used him as a shelter

Jungkook walks up to guy 2 and 3 and sliced their throats.

The men started to attack Jungkook at the same time and jumping on him.

Jungkook took out his other daggers and threw them up and let them stab each person in the head. 

Jungkook kept killing the guys just with daggers not even his inner demon did anything.

Jungkook thought that all of them were dead but his demon suddenly woken up

" one man, guy number 4 he is awake"

" thanks" jk

Jungkook walked two guy 4 and lingered around him he then turned his heels and pretended to not realize anything.

He then turned his heels again and ran to the guy his dagger scraping the wall.


Jungkook cut the mans head off.

Sorry I'm tired I need to wrap this chapter upp.

Explaining Yugyyeom.

Ok so Yugyyeom actually helps Jungkook.

Yugyyeom is just like Jungkook but just not as 'bad'

Jungkook was sent to earth for the group of men and Yugyyeom is just someone who has been there (earth) longer and is watching over him.

448 words

Finding my demon (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now