A lesson learned.

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A/n: how have you all be? I've been good myself✌︎('ω')✌︎


As mon mon put the box away with a smirk she turned back to jungkook and led him to the living room.

"I think it's important for the new holder to understand what the past holders went through, this way you will understand how important this is and hopefully you will take it seriously."

Mon mon said while holding jungkook's hands. You see she has been thew so many people she has had by her side that didn't take it seriously this leading to their death. So she prayed that he was different also that the people he picked weren't bad because some where and that also let to people's death.

"I understand mon mon I get it okay"

She didn't fail to notice the attitude in jungkook's voice. She wanted to believe it was just some teenage thing but she felt it in her gut that it was much more.

"What's the matter jungkook?"

She asked taking her hands out of Jungkook's, not because she wanted to but because he forcefully took them out.

"Nothing just tell me what I need to do."

She wasn't gonna deal with this attitude.

"Okay tell me what's wrong this is not working I need you to work with me. What's the matter!"

She yelled and so Jungkook did back

"I said nothing is wrong just trust that I can do this!"

She was shocked, did he think that she couldn't trust him?

"What makes you think I don't already trust you Jungkook-ah?"

He looked at her with shiny eyes more than usual, more like the type of eyes that were about to cry.

"I mean all the long passwords and hiding it in my wall for crying out loud! On top of that telling me over and over again of how important this is, I get it it's important but I feel like you don't trust me what's the fuck is up with that I mean you're acting like my mom!"

She nodded. How could she not he was right... but she had a reason.

"Sit back down Jungkook please."

She asked nicely however Jungkook did not act well to that.

"No I'm not listening to you! I mean do I even know who you are really. You're- you're like a st-"

Mon mon cut him off she would not hear such words come out of Jungkook's mouth.

"Don't you dare say that word young man!"

She was putting her foot down this time. He was not gonna say that word not with her at least.


She gasped. She felt betrayed. It may seem like some word that shouldn't hurt much or at all but to mon mon it was much more.You see they have been through everything together, far from strangers. She was Jungkook's imaginary friend until the age of 13 when she revealed she was real and not a form of Jungkook's hunger for a friend. They promised back in a old playground to never call each other strangers for they had been together for far to long for that word to be in each other's vocabulary.

And jungkook well he broke the promise.

"how could you! I'm no stranger I'm a person who you can rely on IM A FRIEND! Why would you say that?!"

Mon mon was a sensitive person, jungkook knew that, it seemed to snap Jungkook out of the thought he was in. He sat down and cried in his hands. He knew the regret would eat him alive it he didn't say sorry right at this moment.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean it please forgive me! I promise I didn't mean it I really didn't don't leave me! I'll be good and I will listen to you I won't talk back or cuss and-and I will go back to school just don't leave me please."

Mon mon was never gonna leave Jungkook. She didn't have the heart to not in a million years it was impossible to imagine leaving him. When she would be with him she would feel real happiness. After all of her years on earth the 16 years she's been with Jungkook have been the best 16 years of her life. Jungkook was the only one of the people she's protected that had treated her some what normal and not some toy to scare people with. She would never leave such a angel.

"No no honey I'm not leaving you, I could never do such a thing. No matter how angry you get you're entitled to that anger we just have to control it better okay. Yes sometimes I can act like you're mother but that's only because I love you. I've been your best friend literally since birth and I just always felt protective of you jungkook. Some times I can get overwhelmed and take it out on you by stressing you out forgetting that you're so young with problems if your own. I do trust you jungkook but this is something I would even question the president on, it's not because you're 16 or I don't trust you- if anything I trust you the most, it's just that this could get you killed it not handled right and I don't want that. Do you understand?"

Jungkook nodded with every word she said. With that he also realized how stupid and childish he was being to be so ignorant and idiotic. He didn't regret doing what he did because it wasn't a mistake. It's only a mistake if you don't learn from it and it would be stupid to say jungkook didn't learn anything from this.

For the next hour or so Jungkook has been learning a lot about the past and how important this is.

He also learned that fights can happen to the best of friends but you should never let that stop your friendship.

Words: 1000

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