A/n: new book:) and story time!

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A/n: hey sunflowers! I just made a new book called 'just me (literally)' the book is just about me for those who don't really know me (that would be all of you) so you're welcome to check it out! I already published 2 parts and one of them has a face reveal etc :)

yeah shameless promotion.. but for those who are here I have a made up story from the top of my head


Jungkook and Taehyung knew they shouldn't be playing in the downstairs gym because it was too dangerous. The worst part is that Jin and namjoon (their parents) had warmed them about it. However Taehyung didn't care and that soon led jungkook to not care either.

The 5 year old jungkook and the 6 year old Taehyung were just babbling their heads off when suddenly something scared them. Little did they know it was just the house creaking but it scared them so much that jungkook dropped the item in his hand.

Fortunately it didn't alert Jin and namjoon however the unfortunate thing was the thing in jungkook's hand was a weight. The weight smashed his little feet and he screamed.

Jungkook used little strength he had to climb the 14 stairs to the top floor with Taehyung who was behind him screaming as well.

Jin and namjoon were deaf to the ears as the tv blasting caused them not to hear the little cry's from the youngers

When Taehyung and Jungkook reached the living room with tears down their face jin was scared and namjoon well he was sleeping.



The ran to the little ones and asked what's wrong but their lack of Korean since they were 5 and 6 and mixed with the crying wasn't the best combo.

After a while they got what happened missing some details.... cough the gym room.

Soon enough jungkook got a cast aand he was well and kinda happy because now kids at his school do practically everything for him.

after some years

jungkook is 21 and Taehyung is 23 and they still share the secret of what happened that night.

The end

Jin- my mom
Rm-my dad
Taehyung- my brother
Jungkook- me

Truth is this is a real story based on true advents 🤣

Anyway I love you TTYL

words: 400

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