2k reads!!!!!!!

382 8 0

-Walks up to phone and picks it up
- opens Wattpad to see my story's
-sees 2k reads
- throws phone
-runs around the house saying
-"no wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!


Thank you sunflower so much for giving me 2k reads I love you all so much.
When we (and we will) keep growing I will keep thanking you.

Hitting these goals so fast is making me feel happy.

In my family I'm just the one artist- I love being the artist but writing is what I want to be known for.
When I show me parents they brush it off and say "ok" but if they just knew how much this means to me I would feel like the best person alive!

However I think about hope- I don't have to get my parents jumping off the roof for me because I have you guys and I have my siblings to help me!

Example: I was with my oldest sibling my sister, something in me said to show her my 1k reads (at the time I had 1k reads)
And when I did show her she clapped for me and inspired me to keep going!

Moral of the story is that you don't have to impress you parents or whoever to know how good you're doing. Whatever you're doing now is a lot.

Living is a lot to do so I will give you credit for that.

Also remember keep your head up high, your heart beating, and your voice heard!!!!!!

I love youuuuuuuuuu so much

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