The past holder

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A/n: hey sunflowers I haven't seen y'all in a week 😭 I know I know but I'm feeling better so maybe I can try and get back on my writing schedule!

Jungkook POV

Mon mon leads me to my room even tho I know where my own room is.

"You know I can just put the box under my bed right? I mean no one will question a moving box under someone's bed- even better a garage oh eve-"

I got cut off by mon mon's annoyed sigh.

"I already told you once this is out of the tree house anyone can get and they will look EVERYWHERE!"

I sighed, to be honest I didn't feel like making a hole in my wall for this box of rings.

"Ok but do we have to make a hole in my wall?"

She laughed at me and turned around to face me.

"No silly not a actual hole in your wall how stupid are you? Do you have the mind of a 15 year old or what!"

She laughed and turned back around and started to walk up the long flight of stairs to my room. Also fyi I literally have a elevator we don't have to do this.

"One how would I know and two I'm not that stupid but sometimes I am. Oh and three I'm 16. So probably."

After we got to the top she cracked her neck and rolled her head.

"Why didn't you carry the box in too old for this"

She then put the box in my hand and said.

"Let's go 6 wait you're 16 right? Yeah yeah okay let's go 16 year old boy"

All I could think about is how did I get a guardian so sassy.

After we made it to my room she pulled out a stick from no where.

"What the fuck how did you do that?!"

I asked looking around my room to try and find any possibilities for her to do that.

"Ha you have a lot to learn. Also no cussing you can't even drink yet close the lips."

I sighed.

"Ok now what are we doing first, do I need a hammer?"
I asked trying to be prepared.

"No why the hell would you need a hammer? Wait do you mean like to make a hole literally- jun- WE HAVE BEEN OVER THIS NOT LITERALLY!"

Ok I may have forgotten that she said that but can you blame me. I'm thinking about what type of food I have in the refrigerator.

"Yeah yeah ok I'm sorry can we just get on with this."

I say

"Ok so first we go like 'this, then this, over here, up,left,down,right,348, and s.e.v.e.n' makes sense?"

She turned to face me and she poked my shoulder. As for me I was completely lost. She was making up hand movements and using numbers and spelling out numbers- I pretty sure she even spoke Japanese.

"Excuse me what the fuck?"

She turned to me again.

"What did I just say human baby... no cussing!"

I rolled my eyes and for a response she slapped my shoulder and my goddess did that hurt it was like iron man had just came in a punched my shoulder.

"OUCH look I'm sorry I just wasn't expecting the whole declaration of independence to pop the fu- i mean pop the freak up."

I almost slipped and swore I pretty sure if possible she would have lit my ass on fire.

"Yeah yeah but it's important so no one can figure out what you're code to the box is."

Alright that makes sense but man it could be me hurt from that slap or something really wasn't making all that sense

"Ok but that password did seem that hard for something so important, as you say at least, like this."

She laughed and laughed for like 3 minutes straight.

"What's so funny"
I asked but all she did was laugh more

"Y-wai-wait-you th-omg you think-that this is the end of- omg- that this is the end of your password?"

She struggles to get the words out because she was laughing so much.

"I mean yeah you stopped doing the hand movements and like the counting oh and speaking Japanese or whatever"

She again rolled her eyes- wait she can roll hers but I can't roll mine what type of main-character-not-actual-main-character-bull-shit is this.

"Ok first off why can you roll your eyes but I can't and secondly-"

but before I could answer she cut me off

"Because I'm older now no more questions. The let's learn the rest of the password."

I nodded but then I saw her take out a big ass book I'm talking maybe a whole dictionary or two.

"Hold on hold on hold on I'm not learning a code longer than mother fucking One Piece and two bitch I've been out of school relaxing I'm not gonna go back this soon so let's just shorten this and use like hand prints or sum shit."

If I could just show you the look on her face I would, believe me when I say she looked like my mom on steroids.

"Okay just because of that I'm sending you back to school you seem fine to me and also that doesn't seem like that bad of a idea. All I need is your hand and I'll have that ready for you in a week."

What the- I'm not going back to school not a chance no way-hold up maybe I could talk to my hyungs again. Okay so maybe I do want to go back to school but not for that long still hate that place.

"Alright fine whatever, take my hand."

I gave her my hand and she scanned it with her... eyes wtf

"Umm what did you just do?"

She just smirked

A/n: ILY TTYL❤️❤️

Words: 1000

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