The story of the king and Amora

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A/n: the A/N is back did you miss me? No okay 😐
hello y'all did you guys have a good day?

I went to MJR and saw 'fast and furious 9' ! 

Warnings long chapter, new info& description ( check it out) ! Same storyline don't worry 😅

Mon mon POV

"What happened"

Is what jungkook said

"You got ill jungkook"
I responded

"Huh mon mon why are you so loud?"

"Look behind you jungkook"

I was in my human form and this only every happens in serious situations like this one.

"WHAT ouch- your a human and female"
He said

"Kinda jungkook I'm your 'parasite' some could say, but to me I'm your other half and I think you know that too"

I responded in a clam yet serious manner

"Well why do you look and... feel human"

He said as he touched my arm

"That because this is a dire situation"

"What do you mean"

He asked in a curious tone

"Come sit down jungkook and I'll tell you everything you need to know"

I pulled my owner to the side and say him on the bed, and turned off the lights so I could put it in visualization.

[<>_<> ]
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<time to learn also lots of writing>

I waved my hands in the air making a smoke into a crystal ball

"Long long ago"

(I blew the smoke around the room making it form in to a small village with people walking around. Then it zoomed into a lady and man)

"Around 1600 it was a lovely couple that fell in love with nature,they loved it so much they moved there"

(The smoke formed trees and dear just all of the wildlife, along with that the couple was making a tree house.)

"They couple wanted to feel comfortable so they made a little trip around forest to make sure everything is ok and no bear or foxes"

(The smoke forms into foxes and bears running around chasing people.)

"Back then bears and foxes were on the top and humans were underneath;we basically were like ants compared to them. The reason we feared them was because if the story that were told."

"What story's"

Jungkook asked.

I waved my hand around the smoke and blew it to jungkook's face when the smoke was gone I had turned into a old lady.

Finding my demon (under editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora