Chapter 32

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The last time she smoked was at New Years, and that was only because she couldn't handle seeing Chaeyoung and Jaehyun together, looking happier than ever she's ever seen her. Lisa even went as far as to buy half a pack off some random guy at Jennie's party and smoke all of them consecutively, just so she could focus on the burning in her throat instead of the one in her heart.

But now isn't like that. Although it kind of is. Instead of needing to forget about heartache, she needs to forget about anger and the only thing within buying distance is a cigarette, so that'll just have to do. Chaeyoung will kill her though if she ever finds out.

(She's so whipped.)

She steps into the shop, almost tripping over the folded welcome rug, and grunts as she heads up to the cigarette counter. The cashier immediately looks over the old lady he's serving, looking at Lisa like she just stepped in with a gun but quickly removes his gaze from her direction. She can only assume it's because of her expression right now, because even when she's not trying her scowl is pretty frightening, but now that she's actually putting effort into it she's almost shocked the guy hasn't run off crying. Yet.

"That'll be ten dollars and fifty two cents," the cashier drones, holding his hand out towards the old lady.

The old lady, however, doesn't seem ready to pay and obviously has to debate the total cost of her items because they're not priced the way they were back when she was a kid - which is probably the middle ages or something - and Lisa almost decides then and there to just say screw the cigarettes and walk out. Almost.

Burying her hands deep into her jacket pocket, Lisa closes her eyes and breathes in deeply, trying to calm herself before her fingers are twitching with the need for a cigarette and her throat is aching for one too. She moves her thoughts onto other things, things that don't include shoving the old woman over, because let's be honest, she'd probably pop her hip out and then Lisa would feel all kinds of bad, and begins to tap her foot along to the beat of the dimmed music in the background.

Today was supposed to be perfect; perfect morning, perfect afternoon and then a perfect evening, topped off with a nice, shiny proposal and a yes that would make both of their lives. But no, of course not. Because nothing ever just happens like that and so now Lisa's ending her mostly perfect day with a cigarette and the knowledge that a possible argument might arise later this evening when Chaeyoung hugs her and smells smoke. No matter how much perfume she puts on, her girlfriend always seems to smell it; she's like a freaking bloodhound.

"...No, not in my days. This would have been less than a dollar," the old lady continues.

Lisa feels frustration bubble in the pit of her stomach as she listens. She's trying to tell herself that punching an old woman wouldn't make her look like the best person on the world, but she's just in that kind of mood where she doesn't really give a crap.

Stretching her neck from side to side, she feels her bones crack and pop into place and rolls her head. It's been a long day and she's pretty damn tired. This morning and her early present to Chaeyoung probably has something to do with that – because her body is still kind of aching like she's done a four hour work out (which is basically equivalent to an hour of sex with Chaeyoung) – but she definitely wouldn't take that back if she could. Spending an afternoon with the Parks has worn her out too, and tonight she's got to entertain the most nauseating couple in the whole world.

Oh, the joys of having friends.

Lisa turns her attention back to the woman in front of her, clenching her jaw and narrowing her eyes. In about three seconds she's gonna snap and just step barge the woman out the way. This is just ridiculous and Jennie's probably waiting outside with an impatient cab driver whilst this stupid old woman–

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