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Taehyung had already made up his mind when he walked into his brother's bedroom that night. And Namjoon was quite familiar with the glint illuminating his brother's eyes upon his entrance, a look that suggested nothing the Alpha would say could change his mind. Of course, it wasn't beyond the leader to simply order his brother to lay off and let him handle the situation, but Namjoon was done with meddling in the young alpha's business. Every day served to make the older appreciate new change in his sibling's behavior. And with each passing day, he couldn't help secretly marvel at his resemblance with their own father. Taehyung was becoming more and more the son of the past Alpha Kim and Namjoon could only sigh in resignation when the brunette announced his plan.

"You just couldn't wait for a better opportunity?"

"Hyung, I create the opportunity. You should be glad I'm going to help you destroy the Council's reputation once and for all."


"Mother, Father."

Jungkook's back lowered forward in a formal bow to his name givers. He couldn't express how much he misses them but he knew better than to engage on his infantile emotions before properly greeting them. After all, Jungkook knew that his presence here is nothing short of lucky. If you consider being on the verge of war and being forcefully chased to wed a lucky opportunity to be welcomed back into his old home instead of being thrown out immediately, then Jungkook was drowning in luck right now.


The tone of his mother's voice suggested he could finally straighten, a small smile already forming on his rosy thin lips.

"There's much for us to discuss, why don't you take a seat?"

Jungkook didn't hesitate though he did spare his still silent father a small look before installing himself on a chair. The melancholy of the situation wasn't lost on him. Jungkook could still remember vividly his last conversation with his parents where they were, once more, attempting to convince him to marry one of the unmated she-wolves that was according to them, a great match.
Ironically enough, months later and albeit so many things had in fact changed, here they were seated, having yet again the exact same conversation.

"You're telling me I have to marry the daughter of Alpha Song?"

Jungkook's mother was on the verge of answering when Alpha Jeon shot her a knowing look.

"None of this would've happened if you marked that boy." He, instead of his wife, answered calmly.

"How can I mark someone who was intending to reject me?"

"You're a true blood. There's so many things you could've done to persuade him."

Jungkook couldn't stop the gasp that came out of his mouth.

"You mean mark him forcibly?"

Jungkook's mother rushed in to explain.

"Goddess, no Jungkookie!" She put a manicured hand on her chest, her wedding ring catching the light from the grand window of the office room. "We would never ask you to do such thing! We forbid any type of non consensual practices and you know this."

"Yet you're asking me to marry a girl whom I know nothing about, despite already having a mate?"

Silence fell on the room. Jungkook didn't like objecting on his parent's wishes, but he couldn't help being sensitive where it hurts.

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