Chapter 40

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I woke up to get ready for work.

I put on some jeggings and lose tank-top.

I was pouring myself a cup of coffee, when someone wrapped their arms around my waist and kissed the side of my neck and kept their face in my neck.


"Hello." I said.

"Hey Princess. Do you have t-"

"Yes Niall I have to go to work."

"Why? You can't do this stuff while your on the road?"

"You know nobody ever has time to do that kinda stuff on the road. Especially since it's kinda the big stuff I have to finish today."

"What kinda big stuff?"

"Lining up dates for interviews and concerts,.....and time off."

"I like the last one."

"Then you probably want me to go to work."


He let go.

Suddenly, I want him to come back and keep on doing that forever. But I know we can't.

I got out my creamer and poured a little in my coffee.

"ELLI!!!!!!"I screamed.




In a few minutes I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"I'm ready. Let's go."

"Bye." I said.

"Bye." Niall said in a sad voice that always made me hate myself for doing what I was about to do.

But Niall knows that I have to go to work today.

I shut the door and got in the car.

Now, I'm gonna spare your time and NOT tell you what I did at work.

We got some movies along the lines of: Men in Black 1 &2, Greece, and If I Stay. You get the gist.

We got some popcorn, candy, chips, and pretzels.

Then we drove home.

"Hey guys!" Elli said.

Harry ran to Elli, picked her up, and kissed her.

"Hey Harry. How ya doin'?" I asked sarcastically.

He just smirked and kept on kissing Elli.

I walk around them and said hey to Niall.

"Hey Princess." he said.

He gave me a nice warm, cuddly hug with his face buried in my neck and a soft, passionate kiss.

"Hey Kaitlin. How ya doin'?" Harry said annoyingly.

I ended my kiss with Niall.

"I was doing just fine until you so rudely interrupted my kiss."

Niall just smiled behind me.

When Harry turned around for help from Elli she just smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

Elli broke the silence and said, "You don't mess with the Master of Comebacks."

"I guess not. For once, I'm speechless."
Harry said.

A Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now