Teddy Bear

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When Hoseok was born, his parents wondered why their sweet baby always cried at night. He rarely slept and was often sick, but neither his parents nor his doctors could figure out why he refused to sleep. 

He recieved an enchanted teddy bear on his second birthday. It was a beautiful, chestnut-brown and had a beige bow around its neck. It was so big compared to his small body that he held it in both arms and its feet still touched the floor, but he didn't mind. He immediately became attached to this teddy bear. 

"If you squeeze your eyes tight, wish for hugs, and say his name, he'll appear and hold you while you sleep," Mrs Park, the lady who made the bear and Hoseok's best friend's mom, had told him when she gifted it to him. Jimin had yet to be born at the time, Mrs Park only in her first trimester, but she was a family friend, so Hoseok and Jimin grew up to become best friends. 

The first night Hoseok had the bear, he did just as Mrs Park said: he squeezed his eyes tight, wished for hugs, and whispered, "Taehyung." 

The teddy bear glowed softly, then a tall stranger opened the door to Hoseok's room. He had beautiful, rich skin and fluffy black hair. His smile was boxy, eyes turned to crescents as he smiled. He wore brown slacks and a beige sweater, sleeves pushed up to his elbows. 

Hoseok was both amazed and afraid of this stranger. 

"Don't be afraid, little one," the man said, his voice like honey and instantly calming the anxiety coursing through the two-year-old. "I'm Taehyung; you called for me." 

"I-I'm Hoseok," came the tiny reply. Hoseok was cowering behind his magic teddy bear, gripping tight to its paw. 

Taehyung smiled at him. "Hi, Hoseok. Can't you sleep?"

When the two-year-old shook his head, Taehyung reached into his bed and pulled him into his arms, then went to sit in the rocking chair in the corner of the room. "I'll keep the monsters away, okay?" the man whispered, cradling Hoseok in his arms and letting him nuzzle his shoulder a little. 

Hoseok fell asleep while Taehyung sang him lullabies. 


Calling upon Taehyung to help him sleep became an every-night occurance. For seven years, Taehyung held Hoseok while he slept. Some nights, when Hoseok was extremely ill, Taehyung would sit on the edge of his bed and rub his back so that he wouldn't cry. Some nights, Hoseok would pick a book from his bookshelf for Taehyung to read to him. The man would gladly read to his little buddy; Hoseok would sit on his lap as he read, falling asleep with his cheek smushed against his shoulder. 

Suddenly, Hoseok stopped calling upon Taehyung every night. 

It went from every other night to every few nights, then twice a week, then once a week, then he stopped altogether. 

Hoseok suffered ruthless nightmares and bouts of insomnia, but he refused to call for Taehyung who, unbeknownst to Hoseok, heard every single scream and cry. But he couldn't help the poor boy; he was stuck inside that teddy bear and the only way for him to come out and do his job was for Hoseok to call for him. 

But Hoseok never did. 


At the age of seventeen, Hoseok struggled severely with just about everything. His anxiety kept him from eating properly and his endless hours at the dance studio didn't help him, either. Jimin was his only friend, but he barely saw the boy; Jimin was class president, participated in kendo and ballet, and absorbed himself in his studies. He just didn't have time for Hoseok anymore. 

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