[Un]Forgiven Pt. 2

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Taehyung had to work today, so Hoseok was alone in his large house, with the company of his now-four-year-old daughter. As much as he loved Charlie, he wished Taehyung had the day off to be with them. It was always fun and lively when the younger was around; he always thought of fun things to do and movies to watch with, as well as made the best pillow forts both Charlie and Hoseok had ever seen in their lives.

But when he was gone, Hoseok was left to sort out debts and taxes and all not-fun things. With the help of Taehyung, he wasn't in much debt anymore; he paid off all the medical bills - both Hoseok's and Charlie's - as well as most taxes on the house and his car. It was part of his apology; to prove he was useful, he usually took care of Hoseok's bills and insisted on having Charlie on the weekends and some days during the week. He was so thankful that the younger boy came back, as well as relieved that Charlie had her other biological parent to raise her. As childish as Taehyung was, he was a very great father and an amazing friend.

Charlie had many medical issues; her metabolism was so fast that her output was faster than her intake and left her a few pounds underweight, she often needed a feeding tube, she was allergic to many foods, as well as lactose-intolerant. Overall, she was a very skinny and seemingly undernourished. Every time they went out to the store, people often glared at Hoseok once they took one look at his daughter. He had cried in front of both Taehyung and the pediatrician about it, both of which tried so hard to convince Hoseok that it wasn't his fault.

As well as nutrition issues, Charlie's brain was a little slow and she often cried about how she couldn't lift her arm or move her leg. It was something that scared all three of them and was closely monitored at all times. Hoseok still had the baby monitor set up just in case something happened and he was asleep. The baby monitors at Taehyung's house were still set up for the same reason. These four years had been stressful and amazing all at once.

"Daddy," Charlie mumbled as she stumbled into her father's room. Hoseok was sitting on his bed, going over some tests that his online students submitted to him. Being an online teacher allowed him to stay at home and it brought him some relief. He looked up from his laptop and frowned deeply as Charlie held onto the doorframe. "Baby girl, what's the matter? You look pale. Did you eat?" he asked and stood up as his daughter nodded. "I... I feel..."

She started to spasm and collapsed to the floor, creating a sickening thud as she writhed on the ground. Hoseok immediately rushed over and slipped his hands under her head as the seizure ran its course. Tears brimmed his eyes, but he forced himself to stay calm and collected as the seizing slowly stopped and his daughter stayed motionless. "Charlie? Charlie, can you hear me?" he asked and placed her head in his lap, waving a now free hand in front of his face.

But he received no answer. Charlie's eyes were foggy and unseeing; not flinching once when her father snapped his fingers, clapped once, and yelled to try to snap her out of her daze. Panic settled in Hoseok's veins as he realized that Charlie wasn't breathing and her heartbeat was slow. He called an ambulance, then called the one person he could think of at the moment.

"Hoseok, I'm at a meeting -"

"Charlie had a seizure!" Tears started to run down his face as he stroked his daughter's hair.


"Charlie came into my room and she looked awful and then she... I couldn't catch her! She hit her head and she's not breathing! It's my fault! It's all my fault!"

"Hoseok!" Taehyung barked through the phone, silencing Hoseok's tangent.

"It was not your fault and don't you dare say it was! I'll meet you in the ER, okay? Just stay calm for me. I'll see you soon." And the line disconnected.

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