Oh no...

45 3 52

TW: knives, threats, blood, identities revealed, drama, betrayal, lmk what i miss

"Ha! Time to unmask you storm!" The Red Knight Shrieked, about to pull of Phantom storm's mask. 

"Uno reverse," Storm said in a bored tone, slowing down time, moving out of his reach and stripping off the Red Knight's mask. 

"Are you kidding me? That idiot? That is Alan's roommate!" Logic exclaimed, recognizing him from the reflection in the mirror of a picture Alan had sent him. 

"Wait so the guy you're in love with-" 

"Do not make it emotional!" 

"Shut up, time is about to go back to normal." Storm argued. 

Logic tied up the red knight, not knowing his name but now knows where he lives. Time went back to normal speed and the Red Knight tripped and fell on his precious face, screaming out in surprise. 

Storm made sure he was all tied up and cant move, taking away his powers so he doesn't burn the ropes. Pathos levitated over quickly, "Back away from him!" 

"Aww but Pathos, you should back up before I hurt him," Logic swiftly lifted up The Red Knight and held a knife to his  throat. 

The Red Knight struggled but the blade dug into his throat a bit, drawing blood. He froze and so did the other hero. 

"Please, kiddo just let him go-" 

"I am not your 'kiddo' and I will not let him go. You are going to surrender yourself to save his life," 

"Don't do it Pathos! He'll kill me anyway!" 

"Logan please-" 

Logic froze. How did this hero know his real name! 

Pathos coughed awkwardly, "I mean logic! Please let the Red Knight go!" 

Virgil was starting to feel really anxious, if the hero knew Logan's name, did he know Virgil's? How long has Pathos known? How did he figure it out? Why hadn't he captured him by now since he knows? 

Logic couldn't let these two live if they know his name. Logan narrowed his eyes and took control of Pathos' mind. He made his little puppet walk forward. 

"Pathos no-" The Knight choked out. 

Logan tightened his grip and forced Pathos to come closer and remove his own mask. 

When he did, Logan dropped the Red Knight out of surprise, Pathos' mind slipped out of Logic's grasp. 



A/n: oOo cliffhangerrrr, will patton and roman be left alive? Will logan kill just roman? Will patton attempt to make logan good? Will there be a fight? Comment all your theories :D

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