Give and Take

69 4 30

TW: Unsympathetic Patton, implied eating disorder

Patton stared out the window blankly. His thoughts rushing through his head at a million miles an hour. What was he going to do?

"How many times do I have to say sorry?" Roman was scared. He wished his friend would laugh or smile or even cry! Any emotion was better than this cold death stare.

"Until I forgive you," He says dryly, his voice flat. 

The princely hero jumped at the response, begging Patton to forgive him. He dropped to his knees behind the other hero, "Then I'm sorry! I know I shouldn't've shot a fireball at them, I'm so sorry, Patton! Please forgive me, I never should have done it! I'm so-"

"No, you shouldn't have," Patton agreed, cutting him off, not indicating whether or not the hero's frantic apology was accepted. He turned away from the window and the knight looked up from his position, kneeling on the floor.  "I'm going for a walk,"

Patton grabbed a casual black jacket and walked out of the apartment. They have two roommates, Thomas and Joan. They know Patton and Roman are heroes but don't have any powers of their own. Though Thomas says he has powers of The Big Gay.

Both Thomas and Joan have agreed to keep Patton and Roman's identities secret. They each had a mask as part of their suits. Patton didn't like wearing the mask but it was necessary. If the villains knew who they were they could attack their friends and family.

The villains also wore disguises, but Patton knew what Hecate looked like because he wasn't wearing his mask when the hero had healed him. Now Patton was tensing as he saw Hecate across the street, entering a bank. The villain was wearing street clothes and no mask.

Even though Patton had only seen his face either covered by his dark, robot-like mask, or with bruises, it was unmistakably him. Patton entered the bank to make sure he wasn't doing anything illegal. After all, why would a villain go into a bank other than to shoot it up?

He got in line behind Hecate. Why was he waiting in line? Do villains even wait in lines? Roman was always sure they didn't, it bugged him that they acted like laws didn't apply to them, but here was one of the so-called "villains" waiting in a line!

Patton let his eyes scan Hecate for weapons, getting a bit distracted. Unfortunately, the man noticed and smirked. The hero bit his lip nervously, mentally berating himself for letting Hecate notice him. Pathos should never have followed him into the bank!

"Like what you see?" Hecate asked, a slightly flirty tone in his voice, shocking the sweet hero.

It sounded a bit different then the filtered voice through his mask. A little lighter, less metallic, and with just a tad more emotion. Only a tad.

Patton giggled a bit, blushing, "Maybe,"

What the? What was he saying! He was not in his super suit, what if the man he fought recognized him? Should Pathos be offended if he doesn't recognize him? This man had been his arch-nemesis for years now, surely he should be able to recognize his voice. 

As Patton grew more nervous about this, he subconsciously drew good luck towards him. 

"I have a pretty good view myself," Hecate replied, moving forward in the line.

Patton stepped forward, accepting that, yes, he was flirting with this good-looking villain. In his defense, Hecate started it. "I think I have the best view,"

Then it was Hecate's turn with the teller. Turned out he was just getting a check deposited. Does he have a job? Patton froze when he was called forward, only having entered the bank to follow Hecate.

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