"Back and ready for action, Baby!"

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TW: Fighting, blood, lmk if I miss any!

"Don't you think that's almost an exaggeration, Storm?" Hecate raised an eyebrow at the -almost- enthusiastic, and slightly sarcastic villain in his dark and angsty suit. 

"Dude, we're going to blow up a building and kill a bunch of people," Virgil scoffed, "You think me saying, 'Back and ready for action, Baby!' is an exaggeration?" 

Hecate sighed, "I was only away for one month."

"Yeah, yeah, but being dramatic is fun sometimes," Storm whined. 

Hecate smiled, tweaking the bomb's final settings one last time, "I just hope we don't blow this," 

Virgil laughed, "Good one!" 

Logan spluttered, "N-no! I was- that was nOT intentional..." 

"Don't even act like that was an accident," Virgil giggled, stepping into the back, turning on self-drive. 

Logan looked slightly nervous, "What if Pathos shows up?" 

Phantom storm looked at his comrade, "You're worried about Pathos stopping us? The literal puffball of a superhero who hates hurting people? I'd be more worried about The Red Knight, he can actually stop us," 

Logan scoffed, "Red knight doesn't stand a chance against us, but Pathos..." 

Virgil cut him off, "Pathos is not a threat, he'll probably just save people so they don't die,"

"Like he saved me?" Logan said softly. 

Storm glared at Hecate, "You are ruthless and show no mercy. Are you really going to back out of the plan because you're growing morals?" 

Logan laughed, a cold, dry, humorless laugh, "Morals? Don't insult my intelligence. I am not backing out. Forget I brought it up," 

Storm nodded, "Brought what up? Now, we're almost there. I'm not using my invisibility because we need to make a scene," 

Hecate rolled his eyes, "I know the plan. As much destruction as possible," 

"How long do you think we have before the heroes show up?" Virgil wondered, attempting to use this knowledge to curb his anxiety. 

"Three to five minutes, tops," Logan strapped a weapons sash around his chest. 

Phantom storm smirked, cocking the laser gun Hecate had designed and disappearing. Hecate burrowed underneath the building and quickly placed the bomb in place. He set the timer for four minutes, long enough for him to clear the building, but too short for the bomb to be disabled by anyone but him. 

Hecate ran out to find screaming crowds and absolute chaos. Grinning at the mess Storm had created, He used telekinesis to lift himself above the crowd, throwing fireballs at innocents. 

Storm darkened the sun and the winds picked up speed, knocking cars off the road and crashing into buildings. Sooner than expected, Pathos and The Red Knight showed up. 

Logan faltered but his eyes flashed and hardened, throwing more balls of fire into the crowd. He heard Storm's cackle as he disabled Red Knight's power. The Princely Hero dodged Virgil's attacks. 

Pathos' mere presence lightened the whole vicinity, causing Storm to recoil. His hold on the Knight's powers loosened and he instantly duplicated himself. The copies went about saving people from fires and clearing the area while the real Knight shot fire at Storm. 

Pathos floated into the air to level the playing field with Hecate, who jumped on top of the building. Their fight continued on top. 

"I PROTECTED YOU!" Pathos yelled, dodging a large rock Hecate had swung at him. 

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