Come to the Dark Side(s)

34 3 55

TW: Censored swears, fighting, cliff hanger, what did i miss? stupidity?

"I can explain!" Pathos said desperately 

"You do not have to. I figured it out myself. You attempted to grow close to me to compromise my operation and take me down from the inside. Impressive, however it will not work." Logic said coldly

"...Alan? F*cking Alan, Patton?! You told him that stupid name was your name?!" 

Patton  turned to Roman with a cold angry look in his eyes. Roman shrunk back.

"...That was hot-" Logan let slip out of his mouth. 

"Logos!" Virgil reprimanded 

"I'm not wrong." Logan said flatly. 

Patton smirks a bit, "I'll deal with you later Roman." Haha payback for telling the villains his real name. Practical? No. Petty? Yes.  

"Can't we just take them in-" Roman muttered. 

"Or you could join us darling," Logan winked at Patton. 

"...In your evil ways?" 

"In bettering the world. It takes sacrifice to fix the world." Logan smirked. 

"...Better the world how?" 

"Patton you're not seriously considering-" 

"Maybe, I am Roman," Patton said, cutting roman off. 

"Patton, don't-" Roman was terrified Patton would join the villains. And Patton was supposed to fall for Roman! Not Logan! 

"Do not tell him what to do, it is his decision." Logan interrupted. 

"This is insane-" Virgil grumbled 

Roman looked up at storm, "Looks like we're on the same page for once," 

"You two can f*ck each other later! I'm bACK B*TCHES!" 

"Oh sh*t-" 


A/n: who's back? guess. 

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