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TW: fighting, fire, Roman being a jerk, angst

"You can't just-" An angry voice comes then cuts off, "He's alive?"

Storm was crying and hugging the child that still had yet to open his eyes. Remy hugged him back while the others stared on.

"What happened to Pathos?" The Red knight continued asking questions that were ignored.

Dee had reappeared and silently joined the hug. Surprisingly Remy didn't flinch away at the new contact.

"You! You have to-" Red Knight was cut off again when Pathos sat up.

"Thank you for taking care of me, Hecate," The happy hero grinned and hugged the flustered villain.

"This is insane! Why are we still with these monsters?" Roman snapped.

Dee looked over, wanted to slap him again, but decided to stay with his little family. As long as Remy wanted to stay with him and Virgil.

"Monsters?" Patton looked upset, "They aren't monsters, they came to us, their enemies, to save a little boy's life!"

Clearly not going to win, The Red Knight stomped his foot like a toddler and crossed his arms, letting out a huff. "Can you at least tell me why this child is so important?"

Virgil lifted Remy fully into his arms, looking over at the Red Knight, "Yeah, like we'd tell you so you can use him against us,"

He looked highly affronted, "How dare you! I am noble! I won't stoop to your level!"

"Want to bet?" Hecate's voice was quiet but it cut through like a blade of steel.

"Ugh!" He screamed, throwing a fireball at the villains. Pathos reacted quickly, throwing up a protection shield before anyone was burned.

"I'm sorry," Pathos called, "I'll go sort him out! You four should leave, good luck with the little one,"

Dee pulled everyone closer and teleported them all back to the lair.

Remy's eyes still hadn't opened so he clung to Virgil, "What just happened?"

"What is the last thing you remember?" He asked the young boy, wrapping a blanket around the freezing figure.

He shuddered and answered in a whisper, "I remember being stabbed, over and over, then it all went dark, but I could feel it... It was warm and inviting but then it left and I was cold all over again..."

None of the other three were about to tell the young boy he had died then somehow was brought back.

"Did you have any concept of time?" Logan asked, gathering a few blankets and pillows to help Remy get comfortable. Remy shook his small head, leaning into Virgil as they settled on the couch.

"Dee and I will keep you safe, okay Remy?" Virgil assured the young boy.

"Are you my Dads?" He asks innocently, eyes still squeezed shut.

Virgil and Dee exchanged glances smiling softly, "If you want, Remy,"

"Okay then," He said adorably, "Why did you guys save me?"

The other two looked at Virgil to explain, "Well... I couldn't just leave you there, now could I Remy?"

"But you could," He retorted softly.

Storm sighed, "But I didn't and I will never regret it,"

After a few more minutes of soft conversation, Logan spoke up, "Remy? Do you think maybe I could take a look at your eyes?"

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