Fraternizing with the Enemy

51 4 15

TW:  awkward, food

Logan felt someone's eyes on him as he entered the bank to deposit his check.  The eccentric company he worked for part time paid him well for his inventions. A man standing behind him in line was eyeing him. 

Logan had to admit he was undeniably adorable. A light black jacket was thrown over a light blue button up and he had on white jeans, his shoes had stars on them. 

"Like what you see?" He let himself smirk, eyes roaming over his cute face and adorably fluffy hair. 

His heart jumped painfully when the other man giggled, "Maybe," He figuratively drug the word out. 

The line moved forward, Logan automatically stepped up, deciding to keep up small talk, "I have a pretty good view myself," His eyes still on the adorable man. 

A large grin grew on his face, color tinging his cheeks, "I think I have the best view," 

Logan had no idea how to reply, feeling heat rise to his face. Thankfully, the teller called for the next person which was Logan. He deposited the check, knowing the man behind him was still watching. 

He left as the other man was called forward. As he walked down the street he tensed, hearing footsteps behind him. He had to remind himself he was not in his suit. 

"Hey!" The man who was behind him in line caught up to Logan, he relaxed a bit, "I didn't catch your name," 

Logan tensed again, nearly tripping, "I never said my name," 

The other man smirked, "Well, do you have one or can I call you mine?" 

Logan recognized that he was flirting as his stomach figuratively did a flip. "I have a name," 

He giggled, "And that is?"

Logan paused, not sure whether or not to give out his name to this stranger. But something about this young man made Logan trust him, "Logan, What is your name?" 

"Logan!" The man exclaimed happily, "I like that! I'm Alan," 

"Well, Alan, care to join me for a cup of coffee?" Logan asked, slightly impulsively, wishing to spend more time with him. 

"Sure!" Alan exclaimed happily, following Logan into the coffee house. 

"What would you like? I will pay," He offered

"Can I have a muffin and hot chocolate?" Alan asked, a nervous smile on his face. 

Logan ordered, getting a black coffee for himself then leading the other man to a booth in the corner. 

Alan started giggling, talking animatedly about a trip he went on when he was young to the Grand Canyon. Then jumping to a cute puppy he saw the other day. Then he was distracted by a painting on the wall. 

He blushed, "S-sorry, am I annoying you?" 

"What?" He says, distracted by the fact that he was running his fingers through his hair, making it fluff up, "Of course not. I find you rather adorable," 

"Oh, thank you..." He looked down nervously. 

If Logan was better with emotions he would have known what to do.

"Wait, if you don't mind me asking, what's your sexuality?" Alan asks, finishing his muffin.

"I am gay," Logan replies.

Alan grins, "I'm pansexual,"

"Would you like to go on another date sometime?" Logan asked, heat rising to his cheeks, silently hoping this attractive man will accept his proposal. 

"I'd love that!" Alan grinned, "I had fun talking to you,"

"I had fun as well," Logan let himself smile. What is this feeling?

"Can I have your number?" Alan asked, opening his phone. 

A little nervous about giving out even more personal information, he nodded, taking the phone and punching in his number. Alan promised to call him later then hugged Logan, cause his heart rate to speed up and stomach to figuratively flip. 

Logan ordered a few more cups of coffee to bring home to Virgil, Dee, and Remy. Though Logan did not want to give the 8-year-old coffee, it was up to Virgil and Dee. Logan was already looking forward to seeing Alan again.


A/n: Heya Kiddos!<3

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