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TW: Destruction, fighting, food, lmk what i miss

"It's like a video game," Virgil giggled, controlling the machine currently rampaging down main street. 

"Yeah, except actual people are dying," Dee says softly, coloring with Remy. 

The boy looked up, "People are dying?"

The anxious villain hesitated as he was about to make the metal monster smash a building. The pause allowed the Red Knight a direct hit and cut off the metal arm. "It's okay Remy," 

The child looked nervous, "What did they do to deserve to die?"

Dee, who never really liked killing innocents to get what they want, spoke up, "Nothing,"

Remy gripped the crayon in his hand tightly, "Th-then why a-are you k-killing them..." 

"They are in our way," Logan said coldly, regenerating the arm remotely. 

"In the way of what?" Remy slowly gravitated towards Dee, holding his arm tightly. 

Virgil once again faltered, allowing a fireball to hit the machine at a weaker point. The big monster fell backwards, crushing some building. 

"Storm, focus. Dee, get that child out of here," Hecate ordered.

Dee looked annoyed, "Why must you do your taking over the world thing in the living room? You have a lair for a reason!" 

Logan glared over at the snake-man, "I explained the reception and plan to you and Storm earlier! Just take care of the boy," 

He glared over at the unsympathetic villain, "He has a name you know," 

Virgil spoke up, keeping his eyes intently on the split screens showing him what's going on. "Babe, please take Remy out, get him a snack or something," 

Dee huffed, lifting the child into his arms, "It'll be okay, Rem," 

He noticed that Remy looked unsure and worried, clinging to him. "What's Dada trying to do?" 

"Dada doesn't like to talk about his work," Dee made the excuse for Virgil though he made a note to talk to him later. He needs to be more careful around Remy. This machine was supposed to make it safer for him. So he won't get hurt. What Dee couldn't understand was why they had to do it here. What if the 'heroes' destroyed Logan's invention and traced the signal to this house? That could put Remy in danger and get Virgil caught. 

There was a reason Dee refused to join them in taking over the world. Rather ambitious if you asked him. Dee didn't want the world. He wanted to be rid of societal views. The ones that forced him to hide his scales that he got after a botched transformation into a snake. Unconsciously, his hand raised to cover the scales on the left side of his face, Remy on his right hip.  

"Papa?" Remy's eyes were wide under his sunglasses, "Why are you covering your scales? They so pretty," 

He felt his human eye well up with tears. The only other person who liked his scales was Virgil and now this little boy was calling them pretty? 

Remy only looked more concerned, "Why you crying? Did I say something wrong, Papa?" 

He pulled the 8-year-old into a soft hug, "No, sweetie, you're perfect. It's just..." he trailed off. 

Little hands wiped away his tears, "Just what?" 

He held the little boy closer, "My scales usually scare children..." 

"Oh," His eyes glowed pink for a second, "Well I love them!" 

Dee waited for a second, expecting his lie detector power to set off an alarm in his head, indicating the child wasn't telling the truth, but it never happened. He started to cry harder, annoyed that he couldn't stop. "Th-thank you, R-Remy," 

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