Panic! at the lair

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TW: Fighting (verbal), the 'k' word Wattpad hates so much, scary Patton

"Logan, why won't you tell me what happened!" Virgil snapped

Logan sighed, "I told you, I don't know," 

Deceit tilted his head, "You have to be lying, you have a photographic memory, but you seem to be telling the truth..." 

"Dee, stay out of this," Virgil snaps, "He must remember something!" 

Deceit places a calming hand on his boyfriend's arm, "Babe, I can try to read his mind if he'll let me..." 

"Since when can you read minds?" Virgil tried to draw reassurance from the contact. 

 Dee blushed, "I've been developing this skill since I discovered it last year..."

"You've been hiding this from me for a year?" He sounded hurt. 

His heart twinged, "Y-yeah, but love, I wanted to tell you once I got it down! You're so good at your powers almost the second you discover them..." 

Virgil sighed, looking over at Logan who was watching them with a blank expression on his face, "What do you think, Lo?" 

"I think it will yield useful results if Deceit can find anything," Logan adjusted his glasses, "I do not like not being able to remember something that may be critical," 

The other villains nodded and Dee went to stand behind Hecate, taking off his gloves. Placing both his hands on either side of Logan's head he closes his eyes. 

*in Logan's mind*

Images fly past. Snippets of dialogue prick Deceit's ears. 'Focus,' he tells himself, 'You can do this for Virgil,' 

Leaving the imprint of Logan's form, he went to the memories from two days ago. Most of it was reading books or looking at the clock. Then, Deceit found one that varied from the rest. He entered the memory. 

"Great, Virgil is late again," Past Logan was pacing in the lair, looking up at the clock, "I'll have to go by myself." 

Dee curiously followed Logan as he left the room and grabbed his villain outfit. He skipped past Logan changing and followed Hecate outside. Where could he be going? 

Just as Deceit was about to find out, he was ejected out of the memory like a wrinkly dollar trying to be forced into a vending machine. 

"Great." Dee snapped, trying to go into the next memory, which curiously was blank. The next few were blank too. 

The next memory that actually had anything in it was when Hecate woke up after Pathos healed him. 

*Out of Logan's mind* 

"So? What did you find out?" Virgil asked the second Dee opened his eyes and removed his hand's from Logan's head. 

"Memory wipe," Deceit replied, pulling his gloves back on, "Everything from the last two days was gone," 

Virgil let out a frustrated scream, slamming his hand into the wall. 

Logan frowned, "Who do we know that can wipe memories? Especially that cleanly. They must be skilled," 

"If they are that skilled, they would have destroyed the holders as well as the memories. There is evidence that your memory has been wiped, meaning they probably don't use it that often," Deceit explained, "However, they have incredible power, weaker users would not be able to destroy a whole two days or would have corrupted memories they didn't want to affect," 

Logan nodded, "Is there any way I can get my memories back?" 

Dee looked thoughtful, "Memories are not always destroyed, sometimes the person with this power can take the memories and can recall them as their own," 

"Fascinating," Logan looked intrigued, "I would like to read more about this," 

"Do you remember where you were going?" Deceit asked 

Logan shook his head, "I do not, I know I was wearing my suit," 

Virgil spoke up, "I know, we were going to blow up a government building to create panic and make a statement," 

Logan nodded thoughtfully, "Yes, that might be it, speaking of which, Deceit, when will my suit be fixed?" 

"Never," The lying villain hissed softly. 

Logan nodded, "Thank you,"

"Wait, you're not expecting to leave this house anytime soon are you?" Virgil cut in, "You need to rest, who knows if those heroes are looking for you!" 

"Virgil, it's alright," Logan stated, "I believe they let me go, but the Red Knight will undoubtedly be looking for me," 

"Why on earth would they let you go? They've been trying to capture us for years," Virgil snapped. 

Logan shrugged, "They're heroes, they probably thought it was 'right' or some other stupid societal construct like that," 


"Patton, you let him go! Now we have to track him down again and you know how hard he is to capture!" Roman snapped

"Ro, it's alright, you saw how badly he was injured and besides, he didn't do anything this time," Pathos argued 

"That we know of," The Red Knight grumbled, 

Patton stopped and slowly turned to look at the other hero with a cold look on his face, "Don't. Argue. With. Me." 

The Red Knight flinched back out of pure terror. The last one he saw this look in Pathos' eyes he was just about to kill someone who had done something terrible...

Yes, Patton had killed, unfortunately it is sometimes necessary for heroes to do this to protect the innocents. He did it only when it was the last resort but once he has decided you are dead he feels no remorse. A cold, "It had to be done," is the most reaction you'll get if you ask him about it... So don't. 

Then, Patton grinned, "Oh! I have an idea! Let's bake cookies back at the hideout!" 

Roman chuckled nervously at the sudden flip in personality, "Sure, Patton, sounds great!" 


A/n: Well hello! so I'm just starting school and ik this is a terrible time to start writing but my hope is i can finish it around February! Though it may take a full year... so ig Imma end this around August 2021 if the world still exists at that time! 

My birthday is on the 23rd so yayyy almost there! 

So far, I have only written this in the middle of the night so keep that in mind please while reading...

I apologize for making Roro seem like a jerk :/ he's one of my favorites and ik he's not a jerk but so far you've only seem his attitude towards villains, who he feels ruin his happily ever after... something which annoys him greatly. Trust me, there will be character development. 

Anxceit... thoughts? should I keep them together or break them apart? 

Have a fabulous next 24 hours of your life, Darling!

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