The Favor

73 3 66

TW: self-hatred, fighting, fire, death

"Hey, Roman?" Patton looked up nervously.

"What's up, Patt?" The hero was relaxed for once and Patton didn't want to ruin that. 

"N-nevermind..." He chickened out the second Roman had replied. 

He looked over at his friend, "What's wrong?" 

"Nothing is wrong exactly..." He muttered

Roman scoffed, "Right! And I'm in love with Storm," his voice dripped with sarcasm, "Get real, Patt," 

His cheeks turned bright red and he buried his head in his hands, "No! You'll hate me..." 

"I could never hate you!" Roman exclaimed, jumping to his feet, going to hug the embarrassed hero. 

"I think you could," Patton whispered, finishing his statement silently, 'I hate me,'

Roman argued, hugging Patton closer, "No, I couldn't," 

Patton decided to change the subject, pretending to be oblivious to the Red Knight's sarcasm. "So... You're in love with Storm?" 

He blushed, "What? No! That was sarcasm!" 

"No! I think it'd be cute!" He teased him, "If you two stop trying to kill each other!" 

"I- what- I don't-" Roman stutters 

Pathos giggled, pushing Roman lightly, "I'm kidding! Wait... no I'm not! You two would be so cute, once again, if you stopped fighting," 

Roman looked away, "I know you are giving me your Patton-ted 'Dad Stare' So I'm not gonna look." 

Patton laughed, "Patton-ted! I love it!" 

Roman sighed, "Now, tell me what's bothering you," 

"Well..." Pathos started when he phone beeped. "Oh, Storm and Hecate showed up down town, they're causing trouble again!" 

"Blowing up another building?" Roman grumbled, rushing off to grab his super suit. 

"We have to get there before anyone gets hurt," Patton knew people had already gotten hurt and he was already blaming himself for letting anyone get hurt. 

They rush to the scene to see Storm and Hecate floating above the ground waiting for them, oddly enough, there was no mess. No one was hurt, no one was having stuff thrown at them. 

The Red Knight created a fire ball in his hand, Pathos held up a hand to stop him and the fire died down. He levitated himself up to Hecate and Storm who appeared to be on hoverboards. 

"What's going on?" Pathos asked cautiously. 

Roman looked annoyed he was alone on the floor, unable to fly and without one of the hovercraft thingys. 

"Right, because we're just gonna tell him our plan," A voice hissed from Storm, yet it wasn't him, "That's very smart," 

"Dee, we need him," Storm said. 

It was then Pathos noticed a snake draped around Storm's neck, it was looking at him. Patton debated taking control of the animal, but wanted to see where this was going. 

"I told you we don't need him!" The snake hissed. 

"I concluded that we do need Pathos," Hecate cut in. 

Pathos was beyond confused, Red knight pacing around on the ground, watching the floating hero and villains with irritation and suspicion. 

"What dya need me for, kiddos?" Patton asked

This is not a Fairy Tale (Sanders Sides AU)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora