Eerily Peaceful

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TW: I don't see any but let me know if you do!

Virgil walked through the Moore, a gentle breeze rustling through the grass. It was a nice spring day, a small creek flowing around his ankles. He felt like something was about to go wrong. Like it always did when Virgil was seeking peace.

It was unnerving him.

The last time he had actually been capable of relaxation he and-

LOGAN! He was supposed to meet him at the lair-

Two days ago... (A/n: this does not mean time jump, this is when he was supposed to meet Logan) 

He hurried out of the stream and pulled his socks and shoes on over his wet feet. How did Virgil forget to go meet his best friend and partner in crime for two days? Well, he wasn't exactly the most organized. However, if anything happened to Logan, someone was going to die.

He found the lair empty at the bottom of the stream. Maybe, Logan was at home? Or he was at the store... Maybe fighting?

He went into stealth mode. See, Virgil had the power of invisibility and he can disable others powers, at least for a few minutes. Logan had a photographic memory, mind control, and telekinesis.

Virgil's boyfriend, Deceit, as he preferred to be called, unsurprisingly, has the power of deception and can spot it as well. 

They fought two heroes, Pathos and The Red Knight. Virgil thought that name was stupid because he wore a Prince costume. The powers he knew that The Red Knight had was fire control and resistance, self-duplication, and hard skin. Perhaps he had more but Virgil wasn't sure.

Pathos had the power of producing light, unnatural luck for himself, healing, and levitation. He can also control animals, Deceit found that out the hard way.

"Logan?" Virgil called once he had slipped into the logical villain's house. No response.

Well, time to panic!

Virgil called his boyfriend, "Dee, have you seen Logan?"

"Babe, I've been out of the country for two weeks," Dee's reply crackled through the phone.

"Fine! Have you talked to him? I'm worried, I was supposed to meet him two days ago but I forgot! I just remembered and I can't find him anywhere." Virgil snapped, trying to keep the panic from his voice.

The call suddenly dropped, but Deceit appeared right next to him. "You can't keep your panic attack from me, even over the phone, love," He said softly, wrapping his arms Virgil.

"Where is- Where could he be?" Virgil sobbing into Dee's jacket.

"I don't know," Hissed the snake man.

He composed himself slowly. "Do you think maybe he was taken?"

Deceit looked into Virgil's soft brown eyes, "I'll help you look for him,"

"What if we don't find him? What if he's dead? What if he left because he hates me? What if he never forgives me? What if-" Virgil starts to spiral

Deceit cut him off with a soft kiss. "It will be okay,"

"Don't lie to me," Virgil muttered, resting his head on the other man's chest.

Dee frowned, "Just breathe and focus on my voice, not your overwhelming thoughts," He started singing softly.

The words were foreign to Virgil's ears but the sound of Dee's soft voice was familiar and comforting. He felt safe. He held onto this comfort and pushed all other thoughts out of his head. Except one.

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