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TW: The Big Sad, attempted self-harm, food, suicidal thoughts (please stay safe)

Remy was scared from the yelling and loud crashes from downstairs but calmed down after Dee came in and played with him. Then Dee left to go take care of something. Remy sat and played with his toys with a smile on his face. 

Then everything flickered gray. The light blue bedspread dulled. The red curtains darkened. His checkered carpet shaded different shades of dark. Remy slumped and lay on the floor staring up at the popcorn ceiling. He wasn't moving, the smile on his face faded. His eyes dulled from a brilliant rainbow to washed out and faded colors. 

Remy's hand wandered slowly over to some scissors he had been making some arts and crafts with. One snip wouldn't hurt anyone right? No one would notice if he just scrunched up a little of his skin and cut it off... 

Remy slowly sat up and looked at the sharp scissors. His gaze drifted slowly to his forearm. Too noticeable? Probably...

The 8 year-old lifted up his shirt and squished his belly, it very small from his lack of nourishment. Remy shook his head and put his shirt back down. He rolled up his pant leg and decided his inner thigh would work the best. 

He opened the scissors and made a few snips without hurting himself at all. Then he lowered the scissors to his leg, no emotion on his face. However, the blue in his rainbow eyes regained a small amount of its color. Remy could see the color of the handle of the scissors. He flinched as the cold metal touched his skin. He threw the scissors away from him and started sobbing. 

The colors around him return as his eyes went back to normal. Remy quickly ran to the colorful throw pillow he had and held it tightly, sobbing so hard he could barely breathe. 

Someone must have heard him because the door opened and they scooped the small boy into their arms. 

"Shhh..." Dee whispered, "You're okay..."

Remy shook his head and leaned in, "I'm s-scared papa..." 

"I know... I know... but it'll be okay..." Dee must think that Remy meant he was scared from the yelling. 

He shook his head and clung to Dee. 

Dee kissed the top of his new son's head, seeing the scissors on the floor but not thinking much of it, considering the cut up paper on the floor too. "Come on lets get you something to eat," 

Remy shook his head, "Coffee..." 

Dee sighed, "How about I get you a muffin and coffee?"

"Okay..." Remy wanted to forget about the gray, so he didn't bring it up. 

Dee carried him downstairs and got him breakfast. Logan and Virgil were cleaning the living room as their punishment. 

Remy suddenly had a thought that terrified him as he looked at the knives on the counter. He could take all of them and stab each into himself... First both legs... both arms... the stomach... and finally right in the heart... It sounded so nice for a split second. 



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