The Warm Queen and the Ice Queen

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I was starting to get bored just standing here and no one paying any attention to me, in a way that may be good thing but I've never been one to act like an introvert, so I made my mind up and started quietly stepping backwards, to my luck Alice hadn't noticed or if she did she didn't do anything to stop me. 

Once I was a good few steps probably about two metres away from Alice I discretely side stepped over to my left. Yay, now this is the view I'm talking about, I thought with a massive smirk now on my face, I could see everyone and everything. 

For a brief moment my gaze fell onto Jane and before I could turn my head away she caught my gaze and sent a small smile my way. Immediately my face felt hot and I was positive that my entire face had turned bright red.

After my blushing episode I was able to get my composure back, and a new conversation had started between the group and the Queens. 

The golden queen's face had turned reproachful and saddened with a slight anger shining within her eyes, "what shall we do now, hm?" She asked as her fingers gently tapped her chin. Her words came out as a question but you could tell she already knew the answer, her eyes were telling me everything. 

"You already know what your going to do Sulpicia," The noire Queen responded in a sugar sweet voice, her warm smile never faltering, as she slouched back into her throne, a strand of her silky dark hair falling in front of her face.

once the stray strand fell out of place she immediately moved it back to it's original position by blowing it out of her face, which just looked adorable and I couldn't hold back a smile and giggle. 

Seeing a Queen act in such a way was just cute and it didn't help that she did it all with that warming smile seemingly glued to her face. 

As I kept my eyes on the two Queens that were currently sat, the noire Queen's head turned to face the spot I was currently standing in. She, at first turned her head looking as if she had heard something and was trying to identify where the unwanted sound was coming from.

I swear my giggle wasn't that loud, at least I don't think it was no one else has turned to look at me, has she just got really good hearing or something like that, I tell you one of these days, maybe even today these uncontrollable little laughs are going to get me killed.

She seemed to be staring at me intensely for a moment longer then I was comfortable with, thankfully, for me, a voice pulled her back to the matter at hand, which I'm guessing is Alice, Bella and Edweird and why they had been brought here in the first place before I had to make a laughing entrance.

"She's a liability!" Came a harsh voice, with a slightly bored undertone from the Snow Queen of the three, her red eyes, wow these people really have a flair for the dramatics with what they wear down to their actual eye colour, because there's no way they could all have red eyes. Right?

As the thoughts and comments passed through my head, a loud snarl franticly placed them all at a halt, as my body immediately whipped round to the right, and suddenly my face started to show fear. My features showed nothing but fear as a fight shockingly started to take place.


Like I said guys once you finished chapter 7 chapter 8 would be out, (giggling to herself) I do stay true to my promises. It seems a certain Queen's found our Anna and I wonder why a fights broken out, looks like you'll all have to wait and see. Yes I'm so mean.

Well I hope you all enjoyed and like usual make sure to vote and leave a comment please, they always make me smile. Until next time fellow readers.

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