Lonely, sad because one has no friends or company. Everyone feels lonely once in there life, even the friendliest people. Some people feel lonely all the time or hardly ever but theve all felt it. I unfortuently have never know what it's like to not feel lonely. Even when my parents were alive I was lonely. Probably because I would lock myself in my room with the only light coming from my laptop. Maybe I had brought this loneliness apoon myself, not talking to people at school and activities. Some would try to make me talk and if the nice way wouldn't work it would result in the violence. But no matter how hard they would kick me or punch me, I would never speak. That's how I plan to live the rest of my life, being lonely.

Today I had to move in with my brother and his friends. My parents had died a couple weeks before and my brother was the only of my realitives wanting to take me in. I didn't cry about my parents death. Deep inside I was happy, they were apart of the violence. Now that they were gone I was less beat. My brother Connnor, learned from them. Not bad though, he learned the good. He was nice to me comforting me, even when I wasn't crying but was in a lot of pain. Now I was moving in with him and his 5 other friends. He's spook about them multiple times, but not enough for me to remember there names. All I knew is that they were wild and always happy. Something new for me.

"Hey Rose, you ready?" Connor peaked his head into my room. I nodded and he entered helping me with my bags. We walked down the stairs and the memory's of my parents pushing me down them came flowing back and my brain started to get fussy. Connor looked back at me and saw what was happening. "Oh no Rose, not again" He dopped the bag and engulfed me in a hug. "Hey you can do this okay. Were gonna have a new life starting right now. You can forget about everything that happened here. Okay?" He let go of me and looked down at me and I nodded. Looking statisfied he turned around and picked up the bags and I followed.

The car ride was easy. I listened to music and stared out the window as our surrondings turned into palm trees and little shops everywhere. Connor started going on about the boys, describing each one. I listened and nodded when he needed me to. Finally he pulled into the driveway of a big fancy looking house. Connor parked and jumped out of the car excitedly, me following him quietly. "Oh we almost forgot our stuff" he laughed and let us get our stuff out of the trunk. Then he ran up to the door and knocked excitedly. The door was quickly opened by a young looking teen. "Connor!" He exclaimed and hugged Connor. "Trevor" He hugged back then turned to me. "Trevor meet my sister Rose" I waved and Trevor hugged me also. "Come on in" He opened the door wider and we followed after him. The first thing I see is a fancy looking spiral staircase leading, probably upstairs. Trevor walked into, what looked like the living room, motioning for us to follow him. We contiued following him outside where we saw the pool. "Ahhhhhhhhh!" Someone screamed and I turned around to see an older looking teen running quickly towards me. I dropped my bag and backed away from him sheilding myself. "Kian wait!" I heard Connor yell then everything went dark.

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