I woke up to the sound of screaming. I looked around and saw Mikey had gotten up. More screaming, it was coming from downstairs. I raced down the steps and saw Luke and Mikey yelling at each other. I panicked and didnt know what to do. "Stop!" I yelled and they both looked in my direction. Luke rolled his eyes at me and Mikeys eyes looked softly at me. I decided to try and do something here. "Whats going on here?" I questioned them. "Well Luke is over here yelling at me because he thinks im stealing you from him!" Mikey said angerily. "Cause you are!" Luke yelled at him. "Stop you two are best friends! You shouldnt be fighting expecially over me, but since you are it seems like the only way to solve this problem is for me to leave" They jerked there head up with shocked expressions "So thanks for everything" I hugged them both then left through the front door, not giving them time to talk. I knew they would follow so I threw my board on the ground and started moving as fast as I could. I didnt know where I was going, but if it was away from here then good. Later on I found out I had skated all the way to the park Ricky took me to. I looked around and saw no one else was here. One of the benches was open so I went and sat on it. Why did I ever agree with Connor to come to L.A. I could have just went into foster care and had a normal life. Ugh I hate myself for trying new things. I never should have started talking again and trying to be friendly. I should have just stayed in my room and not left. I cuddled my legs up next to me and started crying. Ive never cried so much in a week. I cried for everything kian, luke, mikey, connor and mostly myself. I curse myself for being so stupid, trying new things and just being me. I grabbed my penny board and made my way back to the O2L house.

When I walked in the lights were all turned off and it was silent. I made my way up to my room and I locked the door behind me. The razor I hadnt used in forever came out again out of my hiding place for it. I decided to choose my legs since they were easy to cover up. I slit it once then twice. Soon enough I had five slits on each leg. I seemed satisfied so I put the razor back in its hiding spot and cleaned up some of the blood that had dripped down. I yawned and went and put a big sweatshirt on that suprisingly went past my cuts and almost all the way down to my knees. I climbed into bed and shut off my light. That night I felt lonely again, maybe the lonelyist ive ever felt.

When I woke up it was still silent, no boys screaming or running around. I was hungry so I climbed out of bed and downstairs to the kicthen. I c hecked quickly to make sure no one was in the kichten then I went in and got a box of cereal and ran back up to my room. Ricky must have heard me because he stuck his head out of his room and saw me with the box of cereal. "What are you doing?" He questioned me and I quickly thought of an excuse. "Um eating some cereal, gotta go" I said quickly and ran into my room without letting him answer back. I shut the door. I pulled out my IPad from my drawer and choose Netflix. I started watching some random British show called WolfBlood. I had a good plot and everything and the character Rhydian was super cute. Then someond knocked on my door. "Who is it?" "Its me Connor" I pulled my sheets up and covered me up "Come on in" He opened the door and saw me laying on the bed. "So whatcha doin?" He sat down on my bed at the end of it. "Just watching some Netflix, how about you?" "Well I came to talk to you about something" He looked nervous which made me nervous. "Um I know youve never really done something like this before, but I think you should" Getting more nervous. "Do ya wanna come with us to VidCon this year?" I was shocked at first but then happy. "Connor, I would love to" "Great were leaving tomorrow, get packing" I smirked. Connor of course would tell me the day before znything important was happening. I rolled my eyes at him, even thojugh he was probably already in his room. I started getting packing. I had gotten most of my shirts and some shorts in my bag but then my phone buzzed. I was confused on who it could be. It couldnt be Luke or Mikey because I blocked there numbers and it wouldnt be Ricky because he would just yell at me if he needed something. I went and checked the message, it was from Kian.

PrinceKian~ hey um can you come to my room I wanna talk

Me~ okay

I plugged my phone back into its charger and went over to Kians door. I knocked on it and he opened it up. "Rose, come in" He opened it wider for me. I went and sat down on his bed. "So um what did you need to talk about?" He shut the door and came and sat down next to me. "Im sorry, for everything. Ive been so rude to you lately and I feel like such a terrible person. I should just understand that your with Luke and not try and make you jealous" I smiled and started to giggle. "Wait why are you laughing" "You did all that stuff for me" I smiled at him "But you dont have to worry about Luke anymore" I looked away and down at the floor. "What did he do to you?" His face got super angry and I reached for his hand "Kian hey, im okay" He saw my hand and he laced it with his and sat back down. "Me and Mikey were going for lunch but then we saw Luke inside kissing another girl, so we went back to his place. We watched a movie than fell asleep on his bed. Luke came home and thought Mikey was trying to take me away from him. So they started screaming at each other. I decided that it was best to solve the problem and just seperate me from them" I finished and Kian tightned his grip on my hand. "Wow are you just like never talking to them ever again?" "I dont know" He smiled and picked me up. "Kian what are you doing?" I said between giggles. "Im taking you back to your room, you still need to get packed for VidCon" "Oh yeah" I nuzzled my nose against his "I love you Kiannnn" I said playfully. "I love you too Princess" He layed me down on the bed then left and shut the door behind him.

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