I woke around 8 and streched. At first I panicked because of my surrondings but then I remembered I was in the new house with all the boys. I looked around and saw that my stuff was packed away neatly, probably by Connor. I smiled and got out of bed and grabbed my camera. The sun had barely risen up and the sky was looking beautiful, I decided to go take some photos. I left my room and went downstairs. I tried opening the door quietly but I made a huge cracking noise. I whinced hoping none of the boys had woken up. "Trevor, is that you?" Jc came out of his room rubbing his eye. I quickly went outside and into the driveway while he didn't see me. I hid behind Connor's car and watched to see if any of the boys had come out, but none had. I sat on the ground and looked through the houses trying to look for a good angle for my photo. "You know you would get a better picture if you get higher up" I heard someone yell above me. I looked up and saw Kian standing on his bacony. "Come on up" I smiled and went inside, up to his room. "See now that your up here you can actually see the sun!" he said saracastically. I rolled my eyes and focused the camera on the sun. I snapped the photo and a couple more then I looked back at Kian and he was laying lazily on his bead. He looked photo worthy so I took a quick one, but forgot my flash was on. "Come here you, let me see that photo" He patted the spot next to him on his bead. I cautionaly went over and sat kinda far away from him. "Come closer, I promise I dont bit" I moved a little closer towards him and showed him the photo. "Well I dont look so bad so I wont make you delete it" He handed the camera back to me. "Now I think you should go get ready for my tour around L.A. " He shooed me out of the room and I silently giggled at him. His eyes light up and he grabbed me and put me on his back. "Onward we shall go Princess" I smiled and laughed and laughed as he spun me around and around on our way to my room. Connor poked his head out at us and started laughing. Kian stopped in front of my room and dropped me lightly. I nodded to him and shut my door after him. I dont know why but I felt like I was floating on a cloud and I would never fall off. I was happy, really happy. Suddenly I panicked, I had no clue what to wear. I jumped off my bed and ran over to Ricky's room. He opened the door after I knocked like 5 times. "Rose, whats wrong?" He said panickly. I just smiled and grabbed his hand. I brought him to my room and showed him my closet. It took him a moment until he realised I needed help picking out an outfit. "Ohhhhh okay, hmmmmm" He looked through my clothes throwing somethings onto my bead. A few minutes later he told me to go try some stuff on. I can out with the first outfit on and he waved his hand sideways saying its okay. Then the next outfit he said no and then no to another. FInally I came out in a flowly white tank top and some dark purple shorts. He immedantely through up two thumbs. I giggled and rushed over to hug him. He was suprised by this sudden embrace but hugged me back. "Now have fun whever your going and text me in case of an emergency" I smiled and hugged him quickly again before closing the door. I ran into my bathroom and started playing some Shawn Mendes off my phone. Never Be Alone started playing while I was brushing my hair and I was humming along. Soon I was singing with the hairbrush as a microphone. I heard my door creak open and I stopped and panicked. I slammed my bathroom door and slide down it. Tears were streaming down my face and I heard a voice whisper "Hey Rose dont worry it's just me" I opened the door slightly and Connor stood there smiling at me. He went straight for a hug and for once in forever I hugged him back. A tear fell onto my shoulder but this time it wasn't mine. I pulled away from Connor and wipped the tear away from his check. He smiled "Have fun today and if Kian does anything bad, i'll kill him" I laughed and hugged Connor again "Thank you" I whispered. He squeezed me tighter. "I'll leave now and let you finish getting ready" He left the room and shut the door behind him. I looked into the mirror and wipped away my tears. I promised myself today I would not be quiet and not talk. I would be me, the real me.

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