I checked my phone and saw that the time was exactly 6:00. I looked around for Finn, but I didnt see him anywhere. Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I looked up and saw Finns face looking down at me. "Hello beautiful" "Hello handsome" I answered back taking a look at his outfit. He was wearing dark demin jeans and fancy button up shirt. "You look absolutely stunning" He looked at the outfit I was wearing. It was a simple black dress with a floral skirt part. "So do you" I giggled. "Well shall we head to the resturant?" He wrapped his arm around my waist and I did the same. "Definitly" We walked and talked until we stopped in front of a fancy resturant called Cavatina. He opened the door for me and I thanked him. Inside there was a front desk and two hallways to walk down. Finn started talking to the person at the desk, than he grabbed my hand and laced it with his and we followed her. She took us down the right hallway and outside again. I gasped at how beautiful it was. There were beams coming down from the ceiling with vines wrapping around them and the tables were set out beautifuly with a white cloth on it. She led us to a table and we sat down and thanked her. Finn pulled out one simple white rose from his pocket and placed it inside the glass container. "I thought you would like this place. I know you like foral and outdoors stuff" I blushed and my amazed at how he remebered all the little details about me. "Thank you so much for this. No boy has ever done something like this for me." He blushed and it was one of the most adorablest things ever. "You look super cute when you blush" I said without thinking. Then I started blushing and we were both madly blushing. "So do you" He smiled. "Okay so um, what are you gonna get from the menu?" I asked him and looked down the menu. "Um I was just gonna get the chicken tenders and fries" He said nervously and I giggled "Me too" He looked up and our eyes connected. I could feel myself getting lost in them and my thoughts of us together. "What would you two like to order?" My thoughts were interrupted by the waiter. "We would both like the chicken tenders" Finn ordered for me and I nodded towards him, thanking him. She took our menus and I thanked her. "So who were the boys that your sharing a room with?" Finn asked after a little while a silence. "Well the blonde short one is my brother Connor, the super tall one that scared you was Kian and the rest were my brothers friends. There all in a colab channel called O2L and right now I staying in a house with them" I finished then stopped when she came back with our food. "Is it had staying in a house with a bunch of boys?" "Um yeah I guess, but sometimes they can be really sweet" I started thinking about Kian and Ricky. "Ive never really know what its like to have siblings" "Maybe you should come stay with us for a little while. You could understand how messy they can get" I laughed and started eating my food. After that we talked about what we want our future to be like, kids, jobs, stuff like that. "Rose I know what I want to do with my future. I want to spend it with you. Will you be my girlfriend?" He got down on one knee and pulled out a beauitful necklace with a F on it. "Oh my gosh, Finn, yes" I said quickly. He stood back up. I held up my hair and he put the necklace around my neck. "Don't worry I'm not self-obessed I got one that has an R" He pulled up his shirt a little and he had a braclet with an R on it. "Aw Finn, this is so sweet" I engulfed him in a hug. He hugged me back tightly. "How about we go get some frozen yogurt and then we head back to my place" I nodded into his chest and he left some money on the table. We thanked the lady at the desk on the way out and walked outside in the chilly California air. Finn must have seen the goosebumps on my arm and he wrapped his jacket around me. I looked up at him and he smiled down at me, I was so tempted to kiss him right now. I didnt need to though because Finn kissed me. It was a soft kiss but I definitly felt the sparks. When we parted he looked back foward but I could see the blush on his cheeks. I rested my head on his shoulder and looked ahead. We got to the frozen yogurt shop and he opened the door for me again and I thanked him. He got regular chocolate ice cream while I got cake batter. We left the shop and started walking towards his place. He was staying in a hotel like ours, just a little smaller. We got into the elevator together and he punched in the number 6. The elevator stopped at number 4 and the door open and standing in front of us was the one and only Ashton Irwin. Inside I was fangirling like crazy, but I couldnt show it when he was standing right there. "Oh hey Finn" He said to Finn then looked at me, then back at Finn. "Who's this?" The elevator closed as Ashton got in. "This is my girlfriend, Rose" "Hi" I waved shyly. "Aw she's adorable" I felt my cheeks growing warm. "Is she a 5sauce fan?" I nodded then said "I personaly think the drummer is the best one in the band" "Ooooo she likes drummers then she's a real keeper, good job Finn" He gave Finn a bro hug, then left the elevator at number 5. "Sorry for that, I just really like that band a lot" I said shamefully. "Its alright, it was adorable to see you fangirl" He gave me a side hug and I wrapped my arms around his waist. The elevator doors opened again and we left and went towards his room. He opened it and it was absolutely stunning. There was one king sized bed in the middle of the room with a huge tv on the other wall. "Here" He threw my a sweatshirt "You should be comfortable" I smiled and went into his bathroom. I took off my dress, layed it on the counter then put on his sweatshirt. I was so happy I remebered to wear leggings tonight. When I walked out Finn was laying on the bed in only sweatpants. I couldnt help to stare as his towned abs. "Come here, beautiful" He motioned me to come over. I came and layed down next to him. I layed my head against his chest and watched the tv till I fell asleep.

Give Me Love// o2l and moreTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon