The boys sat there. In all black. Staring at the coffin that holds there best friend. And the coffin next to it holding her boyfriend. "Two people who left this world to early. Two people who should have lived to experience collage, get married, have kids. But were stopped and sent above." The preacher stared down at the two coffins, the sounds of sniffling heard in front of him. "Rose Franta, a loving, caring younger sister to Connor Franta" He motioned for Connor to come up. The paper in Connors hand was being crumpled by his nervous hands. Few people applauded, while others gave him sorrow looks. He didn't have the tears coming down his face yet, but he knew as soon as he started they would come. "Hello everyone" One tear. "My name is Connor Franta" Another tear. "And Rose Franta was my sister" He had no clue where he was going with this speech. He had been to tired and full of grief to write anything. Coming up with something was an option he wasn't ready to take. But what other choice did he have? "Rose, was, well how do you say it... special. Special like a white cloud in the middle of a thunderstorm." He couldn't do this. A few more stupid sentences and he was done. Another person said a couldn't sentences and then they were gone to. It seemed like everyone was gone to soon. 

It had been three hours and Connor didn't have the power to leave yet. He was the only one there. The rest of the boys had left to go to the reception. They left Connor, knowing he wanted to be alone. And Connor was alone. Alone to cry and let everything out. He screamed, he cried. He didn't know what to do without Rose, she was his happiness whenever things were bad. "Rose, why'd you do this?"

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