I keep running and running. I couldnt hear anything anymore but I didnt dare turn around. After a while I ran out of breath and had to take a breather. I looked around and saw I was at a little park. There were some little kids on the swing and playground material. Most of the benches were filled, so I went and found one that was empty. I sat down and cradled my legs into my chest. I just now realised I was still in my swim suit and I started to feel super self-councis. "Hey, are you okay?" A girl with brunette hair came beside me and put her hand on my knee. All I could do was shake my head no. "Aw, wanna tell us whats wrong?" Her blonde friend asked us. "Dont worry were not murders. Im Andrea and this is Jenn" She held out her hand for me to shake it. I took it and shook it. "Oh My Gosh, you look freshing. Hold up I think I have a coverup in here" Jenn looked through he bag and pulled out a white lace coverup. "Here ya go" I took it from her hands and slipped it on. "Thank you" She smiled happily. "Do you want to come walk with us and maybe tell us what happend?" Andrea held out her hand and helped me up. "Okay well I just had some trouble with some guy friends because..." I held out my arms and Andreas face turned into a shock and Jenn engulfed me in a hug. "Oh darling, dont chu dare ever do that again" Jenn said sternly but kindly. I nodded and thanked them for there kindness. "Oh my gosh, its already 9:15" Andrea had her phone in her hand and was probably texting someone. "Do you have anywhere to stay?" Jenn asked me. "Well I would go back to my hotel, but Im just not comfortable around them yet" I sighed and rubbed my arms. "That's alright, we understand. How bout you come back to our place with us?" Andrea shut off her phone and put it back into her pocket. "Are you sure I won't be a hassle?" "Don't worry were all crazy" Jenn laughed and wrapped him arm in mine. "Shall we go" Andrea grabbed my other and I laughed. "We shall"
They had a beautiful, big house with about 4 rooms. "Sorry we dont have any guest rooms but Adren isn't here so you can take her room" Jenn told me and lead me through the hallways to Adren's room. "Has anyone ever told you that you look like Connor Franta" She asked me curiously. I instantly panicked and quickly responded a no. "Oh okay then. Here you go" She opened the door and lead me into a semi orgainzed room. "It's not that orgainzed but it's alright" She sighed. "Thank you for everything really. I just wanted to say that" I said as she was about to leave the room. "It's our pleasure" She shut off the big light as I turned on the lamp. "Goodnight, um wait whats your name?" She looked at me confused "Um Taylor" "Okay well then goodnight Taylor" She shut the door behind her and I climbed into bed. I sighed with relif and pulled the covers over me and fell asleep.

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