"I pick dare" I smiled at him. "Great I dare you to do 7 minutes in heaven with........Kian" My smile disappeared and I saw Kian stand up and start walking upstairs. I quietly followed behind him. He went into his room and I followed him in, shutting the door behind me. "So" He was sitting on his bed just staring at the wall. I sat down next to him. "Kian whats wrong? You've been acting funny." He shrugged his shoulders "I dont want to talk about it" I placed my hand on his shoulder "Kian please" He shot up from his spot "You think I like it Rose! I think you actually like me for a second and we could be something, but then you just go and run off with Luke totally forgetting about it!" He slammed his fists down on his desk. I didnt know what to say I was to shocked. Kian stared at me "Kian I um dont know what to say. I love you so much your like the bestest friend ive ever had and I know I can tell you anything but I just dont really know about a relasonship" I said nervously hoping he wasnt going to hit me or anything. He stared at the ground then said "I think the 7 minutes are up" He walked past me and out the door. I followed after him and saw everyone was watching us. I sat back down next to Luke and stared across the room at Kian, but he was looking at the floor. "So howd it go?" Jack asked us. Kian looked at me and just glared back. "It was fine" I answered him crossly. "Okay well I think thats enough truth or dare, how about we go skateboarding?" We all agreed and went outside with our boards. Jc was leading the group as we skated towards the beach. I looked around and saw we were missing Kian and Rachel. They were probably back at home sucking each others faces off. I rolled my eyes and started going faster enjoying the wind in my hair. "Rose your hair is looking on point!" Trevor yelled and I luaghed and flipped it wildly. "Were here!" I heard Jc yell and we all stopped before the sand, well except for Connor who went diving into the sand. "Connor are you okay?" I asked inbetween laughs. "Yes im just great" He said sarcastically. "Zoom!" Luke came behind me and lifted me up. "Hi beautiful" "Hi Lukey, whatcha doin" "Just going for a little swim" I panicked knowing what Luke was doing. "Luke I swear to god I will kill you put me down!" I started kicking him, but he just tightned his grip. "I'm not wearing a bathing suit this is not far!" We were nearing the water and I wiggled out of Lukes grip and felt the said beneath my feet. "Haha, you missed me!" I yelled at him, then I was being lifted again. "Sam! Why are you siding with him!" Sam was running towards the waters with me and he jumped into the ocean. The cold ocean water engulfed me and I couldnt breath. He wrapped his arms around my face and helped me surface. "That was not cool Samuel Pottorff" I splashed water at him. Soon we were all having a water fight. Water was flying everywhere and I could barely see anyone. "Ricky stop!" I yelled as he was swimming fast towards me. He went underwater and I searched around for him, then I was being lifted up. Ricky had swam under the water and put me on his shoulders. "Ricky!" I playfully hit him. He started running towards the land with me on his shoulders. "Wait where are we going?" He shook hishead "I dont know" He started walking I felt my eyes getting droopy and I rested my head against Rickys. "Hey, hey Rose" He whispered to me. "Hm where are we?" I looked around and saw we were at a little park with swinging benches everywhere. He gently pulled me down from his shoulders and put me on the ground. He started walking towards a swinging bench and I followed quickly behind him. "I think you need some help" He sat down on a bench and patted the spot next to him. "With what?" I sat down and stared at him confused. "With all this boy drama, if thats what you wanna call it" He reached across and held my hand. "Its okay Rose you can talk with me" Thats when the tears started coming, I didnt know where they came from. Ricky just reached over and hugged me rocking me back and forth shushing me. "Okay well I dont know where to start" "How about with Kian" I thought for a moment then remembered what happend during 7 minutes in heaven. "Well I dont how I feel about him, hes like my bestest friend but I dont think of him anything more than my best friend. Although he told me he liked me........" "I know, I know he told me on the first night you came" "Wow everything has changed so much snice that day" "Yeah" Ricky sighed and I nuzzled my head into the crookof his neck. "Now how about Luke" "Well Luke, the moment I saw him I knew I was in love with him and after hanging out with him I realised how great and sweet and funny he was. I really like him and I think he likes me too. But ive never really been in a relasonship before." "Wow so you need help with relasonships. Right?" "Yeah I guess" "Well I wish I could help you with that but ive nevr actually been in one...." He said nevoursly. I jumped up "Oh my goodness Rickypoo has never been in a relasonship" I poked him annoyingly. "Haha yes but thats not part of the matter" "Your right the matter right now is getting home so we can sleep!" I said excitedly and pulled Ricky up from his seat. "Come on lets go" "Im coming Im coming, wow your super impatientc just like Connor" I suddenly panicked "Oh no what about the boys we just left themat the beach" Ricky started laughing at me. "Hey its not funny" I playfully punched him on the arm. "Ow,dont worry I told Connor we were going on a walk and would be home later" I smiled "Okay then lets head home" And we started heading home with the sun setting behind us.

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