We released and both stood there in shook. "Rose, I love you" He whispered it and held my hand. "Finn, I love you too" I gave him another kiss on the cheeck. He started blushing and I couldnt help but giggle at his adorable rosey cheecks. "How about we go back to my place, I need to give you something" We started walking away and towards his hotel. "So whatcha goin give me?" I skipped a little in front of him. "You have to wait" He smiled at my childish behavoir. "Ugh Finn, you know im not very patient" I complained. "I know but its a secret I cant just tell you whats gonna happen" He smiled at me teasingly. "Find then" I turned around and walked a little faster then him. "Roseeeee" Finn complained this time. "Yes Finnnnnn" I turned around and started walking backwards. "Come here" He turned around and I jumped up on his back "Better now?" "Yes sir" I laughed. He spun around and we laughed together until we made it to the hotel. "Okay, wait let me close your eyes" He wrapped his warm hands around my eyes. "Finn, what is this?" I asked playfuly and shrugged my shoulders. "Just wait" I felt us go into the spinning doors oh the hotel then he realsed his hands from my eyes. "We Love You!" I opened my eyes and saw all the O2L boys and a bunch of youtubers and random people. My eyes started tearing up and I covered my mouth in amazement. "Oh my gosh, is this for me?" The O2L boys started walking up to me and I instantly went to Connor and wrapped my arms around him. "Yes, this is all for you" He whispered into my ear and held me tight. "Oh my goodness guys?" I went around and hugged all the guys. "And theres cake!" Sam said excitedly and revealed a purple cake. I covered my mouth in shock. "I didnt know any of you were bakers" I sounded sarcastic, but I went with it. "Come on, lets dance" Finn wrapped his arms around my neck and twirled me around. I giggled and we got into dancing position. Everyone was having a good time, even Connor who hated dancing in front of people. Everything was perfect, so it seemed.

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