"Wow this place is huge!" Trevor looked excitedly out his window. The hotel had golden ridges around it and it was pearly white. Connor paid the man that drove us and we all walked inside. "Wow" I said when we walked in. The inside was even more beautiful. There were two little pools with fish in them and a huge pool outdoor with a lazy river and a slide. "How in the world? This is the best hotel in the universe!" Kian started screaming like a little girl making heads turn towards us. "Kian, Kian stop" I whispered. He looked around and saw the faces staring at him. Kian, of course, smiled and waved at them. A few of the little kids waved back. I giggled at them and all the boys started laughing silently. "Okay guys I got the room keys, lets go" Connor said and swung the keys in his fingers. We all pilled into and elevator. "Okay so its Me, Kian, Ricky and Rose in one room and Sam, Trevor and Jc in the other" Connor said as we were getting out of the elevator. "Okay well bye!" I waved at them and my group went to the right while they went to the left. "I wonder what our rooms are goin look like" Kian said excitedly.N Connor unlocked the door and we all walked in excitedly. "Oh my god" The room was huge with a wall spreating it. "I call this bed" I jumped on the one closet to the window. "Im here!" Kian jumped on the one next to me. Connor looked a little angry or mad but then he went on the other side of the room with Ricky. "Oh my gosh, I didnt know that VidCon was gonna be so fun" Kian then started laughing. "What?" "We have even done anything yet, why dont we go down to the pool" I thought about going down because my swimsuit covered the cuts on my thighs but then Kian would ask me why I was wearing braclets in the pool. "Um Im not really in the mood for swimming today, how about we go exploring!" I said excitedly. "Okay" I grabbed my phone and we yelled to Connor and Ricky that we were going exploring. "I bet this place has so many secret doors and stuff" Kian nodded and we made our way downstairs. "Boo!" Someone yelled at the end of the stairs. "Ahhhhhhhh!" I screamed. I look and saw Sam and Trevor laughing their asses off. "Thank was not funny Samuel!" I lightly punched his arm. "What are you guys even doing down here?" Kian asked them. "Well we got bored so we were gonna go exploring then we heard you two" Trevor explained. "Well now we can all go exploring, come on" I lead the way down some hallway. It lead into a hallway where we could either turn right or left. "Um which way?" I asked. "How about left?" Sam pointed and we followed him down the hallway. We heard some whispering and we all went silent. "Look" Sam whispered and pointed into a room. We all peaked our heads in and saw two people whispering. "I dont know how to get her back. Shes the love of my life. I need her Mikey, I need her in my life" I gasped a little bit and they turned towards the door. We didnt think we all ran. We keep running until we all made it back to our room. "Hey, woh what were you guys doing?" Ricky looked strangely at us. "We heard whispering and something about Mikey" Trevor said through deep breaths. We all went and layed on the two bedzs. Sam was laying next to me his eyes looking sleepily. I smiled athis adorable face and gave him a small kiss on the forhead. I got up and headed towards the door. "Where are you going?" Kian asked me. "Just out on a walk" I opened the door. "Ill come with you" "No" I stopped him as he was about to get up "I just wanna be alone for a little while" "Um okay" He layed back on the bed in defeat. I shut the door and made my way down the stairs. The fresh air of California hit me as I went outside. I put my headphones in and started playing some relaxing music. I made my way along the sidewalk with my head down staring at the cracks in the sidewalk. Suddenly, I hit someone and jumped back a bit. "Oh sorry" He was british with beautiful blue eyes. We were about the same height and his messy brunette hair was driving me crazy, he was super cute. "No it was my fault I wasnt paying attention" I took my earphones and put them in my pocket. "Im Finn, whats your name?" He held out his hand and I shook it "Im Rose" "Thats my favorite flower" "Wow really? Me too" He blushed and I looked back down at the ground. "So Rose, whould you like to go get some lunch?" "Sure" He wrapped his arm around my waist and we walked foward. "So where are we going?" I asked him. "Well I was thinking maybe just Panera, sorry I dont really know any good places to eat" "Oh dont worry I love Panera" I laced my fingers with his. "Here you go" He opened the door for me. "Thank you my kind sir" I thanked him. "Anything for the young lady" "Hey im 17" I said proudly and we laughed. "Ill go find us a table" I told him after I told him my order. I walked upstairs and found a little area with a booth. I sat down and pulled out my phone. Already Kian was asking where I was. I texted him back quickly and said I was at Panera. Finns face appeared and he set the tray down in front of us. We both took our food and started eating. "So tell me about yourself" I looked up at him. "What about myself?" "Okay well if you could be in any book, what book?" I smiled. He was different he didnt ask the same silly questions like the restof the guys. "I would have to say Harry Potter, just because it would be so cool to be a witch" I smiled and pretended like I was waving around a wand. He laughed but then his face turned to sorrow. He grabbed my arm softly and pushed down the braclets. He wasnt shocked or scared or anything, but then he rolled down his long sleeves and I saw the cuts on his arm. I just stared at them. "I guess were more alike then I thought" He whispered. "Yeah" I brought my arm back down under the table. "So whats your story?" He asked. "What?" I said confused. He looked down to my arm. "Oh well its stupid" "Nothings stupid to me, you can tell me" "Well......" I went on and told him everything that happend with my parents and Luke. "Wow that is cruel, just so cruel. How could a guy treat a beautiful, sweet girl, like you like that?" He said after I finished. "I just dont know" I whispered. "So now its your story time hbu?" I asked him. "Well when I was 7 I was out walking in a local park, but it was empty. There were 3 teenage looking girls, that were smoking something. I didnt get near them, but they can and approached me. I didnt know what to do and before I knew what was going on I was tied up and thrown in the back of a truck. They drove me to some abandoned house. Each of them took turns doing stuff to me, sexual and nonsexual. I thought maybe my mother would come looking for me. After a week though I gave up hope anyone would ever come. Eventually the girls left me there, alone ith no food or water. I learned how to go out and survive the world, alone. I found a beat up guitar but it worked for me. I would stand outside of a coffee shop and sing everyday. One day I was lucky that a man from a record deal asked to sign me. I agreed and they took me in. I came over here when I was 18, now im 19, to try and pursue my dream of being a professional singer." He finished. "Wow" Was all I could say. "So what are you doing here in L.A. I can tell by your accent your not from around here" He stood up and threw away our finished plates. "Im here with my brother Connor and his friends for the VidCon event happening here" Right when I said Vidcon his eyes light up. "So I guess ill see you at VidCon then?" He smiled. "Yeah I guess so" We gave each other a hugged then walked downstairs and outside. "Oh wait" I turned around at the sound of his voice "I need your number, you know so we can lkke know where we are during VidCon" "Oh yeah" I blushed "Here" I typed in mine on his phone while he did the same in my phone. "Ill talk to you later, bye Rose" "Bye Finn" I waved to him and walked away in the opposite direction. I put my earphones back in, but stared up at the people walking by. When I made it back up to the hotel room all the boys were asleep. Im guessing Sam, Trevor and Jc fell asleep over here. My bed already had a sleeping Sam and Trevor so I went to the other room and cuddled into the bed with Connor. I felt him give me a small kiss on my forhead then whispered to me "I love you Rose" "I love you too Connor" Then we both fell asleep.

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