"Hi I um I'm Rose" I blushed and moved a piece of hair behind my ear and looked at the ground. "Luke whatcha doin here?" Kian asked and I remembered our hands together and I wiggled mine out of his. He looked down at me but I keep staring at the ground. "Well I was gonna get some supplies for my new video. Hey wanna come with?" I wasn't sure if Luke was talking to me or Kian but we both nodded. "Great come on it's over this way" We started walking down the crowded sidewalk of L.A. Luke started talking about L.A. and stuff about it pointing out little facts about each store. I smiled and nodded even laughing sometimes when he said something funny. Kian was hanging back. I turned to look at him and he had his phone out and was texting someone. "Hey Kian who ya texting" I poked him on his shoulder. "Ricky he says there's an emergency at home" I started getting worry "Oh no is everything okay?" I tried to look at his phone but he closed it and put it back into his pocket. "Yeah but I have to head home, you stay here with Luke" "Um okay" He half smiled and walked away. "What's wrong?" Luke stopped and asked me. "Um nothing Kian just had to go home for something. Let's keep walking" I smiled showing him everything was okay. But it wasn't Kian was acting funny. "Okay well come on" Luke grabbed my hand and we started walking towards a party store. Inside the whole room was filled with everything crazy, from fake bananas to scary but funny masks. "Hey Rose, how do I look?" Luke had put a boa around his neck and a fancy hat on his head. "You look fablous!" I exclaimed and grabbed some excessories and put them on. We laughed at each other and ran around the buliding trying everything on and spraying stuff at each other. After about an hour, we were covered in silly string and the craziest outfits. We huffed and sat down on a chair. "Wow that's was the most fun I've had in a long time" I rested my head on his shoulder and held his hand in mine. "Are you as tired as I am?" He asked taking deep breaths. "Yeah I feel like I could fall asleep any second" I closed my eyes. "Well how about I go pay for this stuff then we can walk back to my place and watch some movies" "Sounds great, but I can't walk" I complained when he stood up. "Fine I'll give you a piggy back ride once we get outside" I jumped up and hugged him "Yay thank you Lukey" He laughed and I let go. He went and payed for the stuff then we walked outside. The sun was setting and it looked beautiful against the crasing waves. I heard a click and I looked beside me to see Luke taking a photo. "What it looked pretty" I giggled and jumped onto his back unexpectedly. He huffed butthen grabbed my legs and we started off to his house. About 10 minutes later I could feel my eyes getting droopy. "Dont fall asleep yet Rose, let me bring you inside" I looked up and saw a big beautiful house standing in front of me. "You leave here?" I said in shock. "Yeah but not alone. Jack, Mikey and Chris also live here but there off grocery shopping" He flew me over to the couch and threw me over it and I giggled. He laughed with me and went into the kicthen. "You want some ice cream?" He pulled out a tub of ice cream and two spoons. "Of course" He brought the ice cream over and we dived in. We sat criss cross applsauce scross from each other with the ice cream between us. "So tell me about yourself" I perked my head up "You know like your favorite food, what you would bring with you on a stranded island?" "Hmm well my favorite food is definitly salad, its super healthy but it tastes so good! And I would definitly bring my phone and my camera with me on a stranded island." "Sounds fablous. How about your family and friends?" I panicked I hadnt really talked to anyone about my family before, rather than Connor. I breathed in a deep breath and started talking. "Well my family did consist of me, Connor, my mom and my dad. But then a couple weeks ago my mother and father died. I know I was sopposed to be sad and everything but I was happy. Everyday I would come home from school and they would beat me. They would slap me and punch me and kicked me until I hated myself as much as they hated me. I felt so alone. Like no one loved me. I knew Connor did and he would try to help me but it wasnt enough. One night I had finally had enough. I locked myself in my room and grabbed the razor I had been using on my legs for a little while and slip my wrists and took a whole tube full of pills. I had fallen into a sleep and I thought I was dead. But apparently a couple days later I woke up in a hospital bed with Connor sleeping on the chair next to me. And after that I never hurt myself because I knew Connor would be disappointed in me. And well for friends Ive never really had friends" I ended and felt some tears not oin my face. I looked up and Luke was crying too. He looked up and wipped away a tear from my eye, I blushed and he reached across the jce cream and gave me a hug. "Promise we you'll never do that ever again. Okay?" I nodded and he pulled over next to him on the couch and I rested my head against him. "Thank you for listening" He started brushing my hair through his fingers. "Well thats what friends do" I fell alseep that night in Lukes arm.

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