Chapter 20: Used To

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Mark's POV

Her smile is so breathtaking. I can't believe I just did that. I've wanted to do that for so long, and finally I did it. Sure, she can't remember any of the great times we've shared, but hopefully coming to Cincinnati will fix that. This overwhelming feeling of courage just came over me. Surprisingly, I'm not embarrassed, or even ashamed. I'm glad I finally did it. I would do it again, but there's too many people around. Hoepfully, this courage won't leave and I can once we land. That is, if she even liked it. I mean, maybe she's creeped out. I hope not, but I don't know. I look at her face, hoping to find some kind of emotion to give me a hint as to what she's feeling. For a moment, her face is competely blank. Then, finally, her cheeks turn an adroable shade of red and a grin that goes from ear to ear makes its way across her face. "I'm glad you did," she continues to smile. I don't know what to say at this point, I doubt she does either, because we sit there in silence for a few second. Then, her smile starts to fade into an expression of worry. "What's wrong?" I ask her, a genuine sound of concern in my voice. "It's just.. Me and... I really like... This has all gotten so complicated so fast. I'm just so confused," she looks down, her eyes glaze over as if she's about to cry. "It's okay. Just tell me the entire story and maybe I can help in some way," I try to be as calm as possible. "It's kind of a long story," she looks up at me with puppy dog eyes through her lashes.

She tells me everything. She starts at her earliest memory of her waking up in the hospital. She tells me about Dark and how he lied to her, this made the anger come back to me, but I tried to let it go. Then she tells me about being with Wilford. She says that they were put inside this book called The Best of Me. She said that inside the book, they slept together. Apparently, ever since then they've been dating. Not exactly officially, but still. I can see on her face that she's not telling me everything. I've known her too long to not know that face. "(F/n), there's something else. I know there is. Tell me, please," I beg her. She retracts her hand, "I'm sorry, Mark. It's just... he was so sweet..." I'm pretty sure I know what she's trying to say, she just can't find a way to say it. "You slept with him again, didn't you," I look away from her, trying hard not to break down right there on the plane. I hear her sniffle and I know I'm right. "I'm so sorry, Mark," she leans her head over and snuggles it against my neck and shoulder. I pat her on the arm, "it's okay. He obviously means a lot to you." Saying those words, it's just so hard. I've spent my entire life with this girl and knowing that she slept with him. Wilford, who's basically myself, but not. I can feel my heart breaking as I speak. After several minutes of her staying like that, trying to get herself together, she finally speaks up, "Mark, I really am sorry. I just don't remember who I liked, or hated, or loved. But just based on what I read in the book, I'm pretty sure I used to like you." Her words make me happy, until she says used. "Used to," I say quietly. "It's not that I still don't. It's just that, I don't know. It may be deep down inside me still, I just have to find it again."

"Hello everyone, this is your pilot speaking. We'll be landing in Cincinnati in about 10 minutes so please, turn off all electronic devices and enjoy your time in Ohio." When the intercom goes off, I look over at her, "and that is why we're here."

Sorry for not posting yesterday, I was going through a bunch of Twitter drama I won't get into.

And for those of you who have read my book My YouTuber, get ready for some SEXY THUNDER.

And as always, I will see you in the next chapter.

Bye bye!

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