Chapter 24: Nothing To Be Concerned About

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Dark's POV

I rush to her side and hold her in my arms. "(F/n)! (F/n)!" I hope for a response, but receive nothing. I pull out my phone and call Mark. "Mark, I need your help. (F/n) fainted at the park across the street from your hotel." Mark only say, "okay," and hangs up. Within a minute, he's here. "Okay, so what happened?" Mark tries to remain calm because he can see I'm in a state of panic. "We were just walking and talking and she said she needed to sit down, but before she could she collapsed. I had no idea what to do, so I called you," I tell him. "Did you call an ambulance?" Mark asks. I shake my head. Mark immediately whips out his phone and dials 911. He stands up and walks away while telling them the information. I look down at (F/n), placing my ear to her chest, I listen for her heart beat. It's faint, but there. I give out a sigh of relief. All I want is for her to be okay.

A few minutes pass and the ambulance arrives, putting (F/n) on a gurney and pulling her inside. I tell Mark to go with her, and that I'll stay behind and call the family and tell them what's going on. Reluctantly, he goes. The moment he leaves, I look at my phone and go to the contacts. The first one on the list is Wilford W. just then, I am struck with an idea. More of a plan, one could say. I'l have to talk to Wilford about this, hopefully he'll be on board. 

Your POV

You take a look at your surroundings. Everything is pitch black. You try to walk and run, but you hear no footsteps, you feel no ground. Where am I? All of a sudden, a spotlight shines bright toward you. You're almost blinded. Then, it moves over to your right, you follow it. Still unable to hear your own footsteps, you know you're moving because it is visibly getting closer. It isn't until you get about ten feet away that you see what the spotlight is hitting. It's Dark, in a hospital bed. He's holding onto his head, his face scrunched in pain. You notice a cast on his arm. What happened to him? The spotlight then begins to move again. You follow it as it leads you closer to something else, or someone else. You get about ten feet from it before you see Wilford. He's sitting inside a car, looking behind him. He steps out and closes the door behind him. He faces the rear end of the vehicle. That's when you hear it. A gunshot. Then, you see Wilford collapse onto the blackness that is the ground. You try to run to him, but you can't. Something just won't let you. 

Your eyes spring open as fast as possible. You sit up and begin screaming in fear. Your screams slowly get quieter until they fade away. Mark's hand is on your back, patting, trying to comfort you. "Shhh, it's okay," he says as you look around the room quietly. You recognize a room like this. You see the monitors behind you and know you're in a hospital room. "(F/n), you fainted while you and Dark were at the park. Do you remember that?" You actually do, you nod in response. "Good. How are you feeling?" he asks. "Pretty good. A little light-headed," you say quietly, "how long have I been asleep?" "A few days," he tells you. "Anything happen that I need to know?" "Nothing for you to be concerned about," you can hear something different in his voice with his last sentence. It's different, but you can't exactly put your finger on how.

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