Chapter 35: It's Me

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Wilford's POV

There's definitely some very obvious sexual tension in the air. Faintly, I can still hear some of Mark's thoughts. It's hard to hear every word but I can hear some. I catch, "I can't tell her, but I want her to know." I don't even have to think about that to know exactly what he means by it.

Your POV

You finally make it to the little house behind the well. Mark opens the door and motions for you to enter before him. The moment you step through the door, you feel the book start shaking. You hold it out in front of you and stop dead in your tracks. "What's wrong?" he asks stepping up beside you. You don't answer because he sees what startled you. Wilford walks over to the other side of the room while Mark stays beside you. After about 30 seconds, it starts to calm down and come to a stop. "What the hell?" Mark says. You open the book and start looking through it. Everything that was in a different language is now is English. You turn immediately to the page Dark had put the note bookmarking. You read the words slowly. This is the page that'll tell you how to reverse the curse.

Slowly, you read and soak up all the information. You try to memorize everything it's saying. You know everything this book says is important. There is one thing that's a little peculiar, if it was only in English here, the how did Dark know what it says? Oh well, you put the thought from your mind and continue reading.

Finally, you reach the bold words from before that had stood out to you so much. You can see exactly what they say and now you actually understand it. Those three words are the ones to solve everything. Yet, the words them self cause a problem. You don't know how to do that. Well you know how to, but who? The bold words haunt you. Mark has read the page faster than you and knows the words you're seeing. He obviously saw your expression. "(F/n), it's okay. We'll figure it out," he pats you on the back trying to comfort you.

True loves kiss

Where on earth will that come from? You don't really love anyone. At least, you don't think you do. Maybe you do. This whole thing is confusing. You've been conflicted for months over who you love here or who loves you. What are you going to do to solve this?

Mark's POV

True loves kiss. That's me of course. Surely she's not even questioning that. How could it be Wilford? He's me. And Dark. He's gone, so he's out of the question. And there's no one else. I'm the obvious choice. How does she not see that?

I've loved her for so long. My entire life. This girl is my everything. The light of my life. I can't live without her. Seeing her with someone else would kill me inside. It just isn't fair that she would forget everything that has to do with me. I don't understand. Why did this have to happen?

She stands up and starts pacing around the room. She's obviously confused. I feel so bad for her. I couldn't imagine losing my memory and having three guys tell me I was in love with each of them. It'd be so overwhelming.

Finally, after Wilford goes into the other room where I was tied up and (F/n) won't stop pacing, I can't help myself. I almost feel like I can't control it. I stand up and walk over to her. I'm sure of this. I know it'll work. I reach her and put my hands on her shoulders and kiss her. I'm her true love. I know it.

I lean away, her eyes stay locked on mine. "Mark, I still don't remember anything," her words cause my heart to break.

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